
  • Created by: paloma14
  • Created on: 17-04-16 13:07
Sun and Planets
the sun is at the centre of our solar system, with eight spherical planets orbiting it. Nearly all 99% of mass in the solar system is in the sun. The four planets closest to the sun are solid rock and the others are gas giants. Moons orbit them.
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Asteriods, Comets and Dwarf planets
Asteroids are irregular lumps of rock that orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter. Comets are made up of rock and ice, and have elongated orbits around the sun. Dwarf planets, e.g. pluto, ae small spherical lumps of rock that orbit the sun.
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Measuring distances in the universe
Many galaxies make up our universe, including our galaxy, the milkyway. We measure distances in the universe using lightyears, which is the distanc klight travels in a year. One lightyear is 9.5 million million kilometres.
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One lightyear is 95 million million kilometres. Light travels through space(a vacuum) at 300,000km/s also known as 3.0 x 10(5)
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light takes a long time to reach us, so when we see a star, we a seeing the star in the past, not what it is really like now. There are different methods of finding the distance of stras, e.g. real and relative brightness.
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Real brightness and Relative brightness
two stars that have the same real brightness (appear as bright as each other) can have different relative brightness. The star which is further away has a smaller relative brightness.
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distance of stars
when one stars distance is known, the difference in their relative brighness can be used to measure the distance of the other star. however, it is based on assumption that real brightness is the same, it is an estimation, and light pollution can vary
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light pollution
light pollution affects our observations of stars. these include dust, clouds, rain, and pollution from streets and buildings. however telescopes in space are not affected by Earths atmosphere.
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Card 2


Asteroids are irregular lumps of rock that orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter. Comets are made up of rock and ice, and have elongated orbits around the sun. Dwarf planets, e.g. pluto, ae small spherical lumps of rock that orbit the sun.


Asteriods, Comets and Dwarf planets

Card 3


Many galaxies make up our universe, including our galaxy, the milkyway. We measure distances in the universe using lightyears, which is the distanc klight travels in a year. One lightyear is 9.5 million million kilometres.


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Card 4


One lightyear is 95 million million kilometres. Light travels through space(a vacuum) at 300,000km/s also known as 3.0 x 10(5)


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Card 5


light takes a long time to reach us, so when we see a star, we a seeing the star in the past, not what it is really like now. There are different methods of finding the distance of stras, e.g. real and relative brightness.


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