

1918 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

November 11 - World War One Armistice

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1919 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

January 5-12 - Spartacist Revolt

February - Weimar Republic established

June 28th - Signing of the Treaty of Versailles 

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1920 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

March 13-17 - Kapp Putch

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1923 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

January 11th - Troops from France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr

August 13th - Gustav Stresemann becomes Chancellor 

November 8th - Munich Beer Hall Putch

November 23rd - Stresemann's Government collapses

December - German Hyperinflation Peaks

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1924 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

Septmeber - Dawes Plan Comes into effect

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1933 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

January - Hitler gets Chancellorship

February 27th - Reichstag Fire

March 23rd - Enabling Act make Hitler Dictator

April 1st - Jewish Boycott of Jewish Owned businesses and of Jewish Professionals began

May - Trade Unions banned in Germany

July - Political Parties (other than Nazis) were banned

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1934 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

June 30th - Beginning of the Night of Long Knives

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1935 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

September 15th - Nuremburg Laws

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1936 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

August - Berlin Olympics

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1938 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

November 9-10 - Kristallnacht

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1939 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

Septmeber 1 - Invasion of Poland marks the outbreak of World War 2

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1942 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

The Nazis begin the 'Final Solution'

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1944 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

July 20 - Attempted assassination of Hitler by the Stauffenberg Plot

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1945 - Hitler and Weimar Germany

April 30th - Hitler Comitted suicide

May 8th - Final surrender of German Army

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1945- The Origins of the Cold War

February - Yalta Conference

May - Germany Defeated

July - Potsdam Conference

August - US Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

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1946 - The Origins of the Cold War

March - Churchill's Iron Churchill Speech

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1947 - The Origins of the Cold War

March - Truman Doctrine

June - Marshall Plan announced

September - Cominform set up by Stalin

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1948 - The Origins of the Cold War

February - Communists take over Czehoslovakia

June - Yugoslavia expelled from the Cominform & Berlin Blockade Begins

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1949 - The Origins of the Cold War

April - Formation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)

May - Berlin Blockade Lifted

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1950 - The Origins of the Cold War

June - Outbreak of the Korean War

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1952 - The Origins of the Cold War

November - Testing of the first Hydrogen Bomb

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1953 - The Origins of the Cold War

March - Death of Stalin

July - Ceasefire in Korea

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1953-56 - The Origins of the Cold War

The 'Thaw'

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1955 The Origins of the Cold War

May - Warsaw Pact

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1956 - The Cold War

February - Krushchev makes his secret speech

November - Soviets crush Hungarian Uprising

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1957 - The Cold War

October - USSR launches first satellite into space - Sputnik 1

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1958 - The Cold War

October - USA launches Explorer 1

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1960 - The Cold War

May - U2 Crisis; Paris Summit Conference

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1961 - The Cold War

April - Soviets launch first man into Space & Bay of Pigs

May - First American in space

August - Berlin Wall built

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1962 - The Cold War

October - Cuban Missile Crisis

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1963 - The Cold War

October - Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

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1968 - The Cold War

August - Soviet Troops in Czechoslovakia & The Breznev Doctrine

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1969 - The Cold War

July - USA lands first man on the Moon

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