organisation theory question 1

  • Created by: charlie
  • Created on: 21-05-16 22:25
1a) Mingers overview
many different ways/ most of deconstructive, find faults, negative/ rigorous + structured insights that are valuable in taking action
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1a) rhetoric
concerned with language/ are arguments logical/ conclusions follow from body
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1a) tradition
accepted although may not be most appropriate due to social change/ can upset status quo of power
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1a) authority
one correct view as opposed to many different yet valid perspectives/ many stakeholders have different views of situation
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1a) objectivity
extent that knowledge objective/ value free/ knowledge reflects + always shaped by structures of power
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1b) reflective definition
understand/ give meaning to complex events/ communicate understanding of reality through symbols and deep reflection (emotion/ stand apart)
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1b) rhetoric example ('we')
'we strive to put care and compassion into all activities both inside and outside the classroom, and so to encourage children to realise their full potential...'
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1b) rhetoric example ('triangle')
'strengthen links of triangle joining parents, students and school, to ensure we communicate and working together towards common purpose'
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1b) tradition example (school structure)
structure of school life: growing up succeeding through years then to eventually move onto a job or higher education
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1b) tradition: career definition
process of going through continuing series of experiences each with path/ trajectory
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1b) tradition: career Fred Davis curve
1.intial innocence 2. actual isn't what expected 3. psyching out (conformed/ritualised performance/retreat/innovate/rebel) 4. preliminary role taking/role making (new common sense) 5. sustained role taking/role making
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1b) tradition example (assembly)
whole school assembly/ house assembly every week made compulsory and importance made aware
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1b) tradition: ethnomethodology definition
study of common sense methods members use to solve problems/ make decisions/ make sense of situation
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1b) authority example (uniform)
uniform changes, awarded with house tie in year 7, reach sixth form allowed to wear suit and tie of choice
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1b) authority example (friendships)
popularity hierarchy unofficially created/ social interactions between pupils based on status
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1b) objectivity example (teacher)
teacher uses textbook as basis of what to cover for exam, then teaches to students through their ideas and perspectives altering to subjectivity
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1c) problems of critique by mingers
everyday refers to finding fault/ dangerous/ antagonistic views (not helpful)/ hard to receive (subordinateness)/ challenge existing powers don't be surprised if they fight back
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


1a) rhetoric


concerned with language/ are arguments logical/ conclusions follow from body

Card 3


1a) tradition


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1a) authority


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1a) objectivity


Preview of the front of card 5
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