organisation theory question 2

  • Created by: charlie
  • Created on: 22-05-16 12:32
1a) intro: modernism different views
world of order + rationality at same time challenging and exciting (Mc)/ corrupt where authority exercises power and control
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1a) intro: bureaucratic management
positions filled by specialists/ impartial/ impersonal work/ effective and efficient structure to max profits
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1a) clear structure, order and division of labour: example
headmaster at top, then filters down through various roles increasing in variety and numbers/ specialisation to help align goals/ division in responsibilities to help clarity
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1a) clear top down hierarchy: example
headmaster most important and influential figure/ power and influence flows down
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1a) fairness - employment on skills: example
higher status=more power/ management and leadership, as well as professional title acquired by legitimate means/ pay split into bands
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1b) concerns that need to be addressed: EU enlightenment
daring to know, using own reason rather than authority of others (Reiss)
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1b) classical theory emerged
1. factories emerged (social/tech change) 2. management centred at heart of organisations
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1b) change - external method of responding (engine): peoples work
made more purposeful/ people can make work more interesting and develop org (Mc)
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1b) beautifully aesthetic: Frederickson
sense of precision, harmony and routine/ order and fairness allows trust/ professionally legitimate=intellectual engagement
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1b) efficient and effective
when freedom restricted members construct own reality (framework giving power + making sense of it)
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1b) fairness and honesty: impersonal
work (people that make decisions aren't affected by them)/ fairness (skills get you the job)
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1c) economic materialists: immoral (Bos + Willmott)
distance from emotions/ members and morals under anaesthetic which helps dealing with uncertainties (never exist don't have to deal with them)/ P3 violation relationship all actors, intervention, social contract
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1c) economic materialists: formal vs substantive (Web/Mert)
formal (calculations=success) but not substantive rational (ethic morals in nature)/ tech orientation means to ends
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1c) economic materialists: example
knowledge requirements: info is resource (static) not process (pharmaceuticals)
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1c) slow adaption to internal changes: rational-legal authority
authority is tied to legal rationality, legal legitimacy + bureaucracy
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1c) slow adaption to internal changes: planning requirements
rigid, linear, singular perspective, fixed departments
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1c) slow adaption to internal changes: implementation requirements
clear policy objectives + plans (P4 violation locally adaptive + sensitive to tensions hard to define given all policy dilemmas)
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1c) slow adaption to internal changes: evaluation requirements
tech specialised (departments + time bound)/ clear goals to achieve
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1c) slow adaption to internal changes: evaluation solution
second loop learning: internally (reassess techniques, structure and processes) externally (impacts)
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1c) unintended consequences
perennially failing - formal rationality paradox (constant shift due to expectations)/ professional bureaucrat
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


1a) intro: bureaucratic management


positions filled by specialists/ impartial/ impersonal work/ effective and efficient structure to max profits

Card 3


1a) clear structure, order and division of labour: example


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1a) clear top down hierarchy: example


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1a) fairness - employment on skills: example


Preview of the front of card 5
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