Optimism and the Human Brain

What is the optimism bias?
If a person's expectations of an outcome are far better than the actual outcome, the bias is optimistic.
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Why is the optimism bias a good thing?
It helps to keep our minds at ease and our bodies healthy.
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What did Sharot et al.'s (2007) research show about the optimism bias?
Used fMRI data, pps had to press button when thought of autobiographical event from past/ future was fully formed. Rated emotional arousal and how +ve/-ve it was. Future +ve events thought to occur sooner/ lower arousal than future -ve events.
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What areas of the brain did Sharot et al. (2007) find were linked to retrieval of autobiographical thoughts?
Rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) and amygdala.
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What possible biological mechanism underlies the optimism bias?
Reduced BOLD signal observed in the amygdala and rACC during imagination of negative events, suggesting OB may be related to reduction in -ve future thought.
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What does rACC activity when thinking about future events suggest?
Self-regulatory focus that steers our attention away from negative outlooks and towards positive ones.
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How do Sharot et al. (2011) show the adjustments we make when provided disconfirming evidence?
Pps estimated likelihood of experiencing -ve life events. Then told average probability and could make changes. More likely to update beliefs when actual probability of -ve event was lower than their probability.
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What did the fMRI data from Sharot et al.'s (2011) study show?
Brain activity was greater when probability was more desirable than estimates.
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What do we know about the effects of drugs enhancing dopaminergic function on Parkinson's patients?
It enhances the learning of +ve outcomes and impairs the learning of -ve outcomes.
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What did Sharot et al.'s (2012) study show about the effects of increased dopamine on OB?
Some pps given L-DOPA, estimated likelihood and told real likelihood of life events, could make updates. Enhancing dopamine function increased OB.
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Card 2


Why is the optimism bias a good thing?


It helps to keep our minds at ease and our bodies healthy.

Card 3


What did Sharot et al.'s (2007) research show about the optimism bias?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What areas of the brain did Sharot et al. (2007) find were linked to retrieval of autobiographical thoughts?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What possible biological mechanism underlies the optimism bias?


Preview of the front of card 5
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