Other questions in this quiz

2. For an E/Z isomer each carbon in the C=C double bond must be bonded to two different groups.

  • True
  • False

3. In combustion, the longer the chain...

  • the more oxygen that will be needed
  • the less oxygen that will be needed

4. Why are cyclic hydrocarbons added to petrol?

  • To improve combustion
  • To lower cost of petrol
  • To produce less unwanted products
  • To reduce harmful fumes

5. In the initiation step of free radical substitution what type of fission takes place?

  • Homolytic
  • Heterolytic


Liam Crawford


For question 6, there are no lone pairs so there is no hydrogen bonding; there is if its an alcohol due to the OH group but alkanes have only van der Waals. as you increase the chain length you have more points of contact so the van der Waals forces increases. Also cyclic alkenes do improve combustion because they are weaker so easier to break for somplete combustion. however this also reduces the harmful fumes aka Carbon monoxide- which is produced when incomplete combustion happens often with aliphatic alkenes.



i agree, cyclic alkenes do improve combustion because they are smaller/weaker so easier to break for complete combustion

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