
  • Created by: ez
  • Created on: 03-12-14 17:20
What is a fibroma?
A benign mesenchymal tumor
1 of 27
How would you name a malignant mesenchymal tumor?
2 of 27
What is a haemangiosarcoma?
A malignant tumor of the blood vessel endothelium
3 of 27
How would you name a benign tumour of non glandular epithelium?
4 of 27
How would you name a malignant tumour of non glandular epithelium?
5 of 27
How would you name a benign glandular epithelium tumour?
6 of 27
What is leukaemia?
malignant tumour of haemopoietic cells and their precursors
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What type of tumour are circulating neoplastic cells characteristic of?
8 of 27
What does the term sarcoma describe?
A malignant mesenchymal tumour
9 of 27
What are the two commonly seen types of leukaemia?
Myeloid and lymphoid
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What cells form a lymphoma?
11 of 27
What do lymphomas affect?
Solid lymphoid tissue
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What is a benign lymphoma called?
Lymphomas are never benign
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A skin tumour is freely moveable and feels like a separate solid lump. What is it likely to be?
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What benign tumour grows uncharacteristically quickly?
Canine histocytoma
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What is haematogenous spread?
Metastatis of a malignant tumour via the blood
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What tumour type commonly metastases via the blood?
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What tumour type commonly metastases via the lymphatics?
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How differentiated are malignant tumour cells likely to be?
May be well differentiated or poorly differentiated
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What is cellular pleomorphism?
Variation in size and shape within a cell population
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What type of tumour would larger cell nuclei be indicative of?
Malignant tumour
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In a tumour with increased mitotic divisions, what would you expect the cell population to look like?
Poorly or completely undifferentiated
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A tumour has elongated spindle-like cells. What is its likely origin?
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A tumour has a cellular architecture that forms many anastamosing lobules of cells. What is its likely origin?
Non-glandular epithelium
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What are round cells in a tumour indicative of?
Haemopoeitic or lymphoid origin
25 of 27
If cells in a tumour are round and arranged in a regular sheet, what is their likely origin?
Haemopoeitic or lymphoid
26 of 27
What cell shape is characteristic of tumours of epithelial origin?
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How would you name a malignant mesenchymal tumor?



Card 3


What is a haemangiosarcoma?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How would you name a benign tumour of non glandular epithelium?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How would you name a malignant tumour of non glandular epithelium?


Preview of the front of card 5
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