Logical Approach to Clinical Reasoning

Cards Based on Maddison J. (2022). 'Logical approach to Clinical Problem Solving' [Lecture], POS: Clinical Practice.

  • Created by: ZoeCouch
  • Created on: 21-10-22 20:16
What is type I clinical reasoning?
pattern-recognition: develop a list of illness scripts
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What is type II clinical reasoning?
Problem based solving via analytical reasoning
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When does type I clinical reasoning work best?
- works for common diseases with typical presentations
- when there are only a few possibilities to remember
- possibilities can be easily ruled in/out by diagnostics
- when clinical pattern for disease is unique
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Pros of type I clinical reaosning?
- doesn't need to be taught
- quick (if correct)
- cost effective (if correct)
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Cons of type I clinical reasoning?
- needs limited #options
- doesn't work for atypical presentations
- difficult for uncommon disorders
- dependent on previous Dx and clinical signs matching
- depends on experience, memory
-risk tunnel vision
- risk confirmation bias
- no clear alternate
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What is type II analytical reasoning?
Logical clinical problem solving (LCPS)
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When to use LCPS?
- inexperience
- uncommon disorder
- atypical disease presentations
- safety check for pattern recognition
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Steps to LCPS?
1) Define the problem
2) Define system (and how involved)
3) Define Location
4) Define the lesion
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Why should you make a problem list?
- makes clinical signs explicit
- makes vague specific
- prevent overlooking less obvious but crucial clinical signs
- clarify any difference in chronology of signs
- allows possibility of multiple disorders
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What do you do to define the system?
1) major body system
2) primary or secondary
3) Local or systemic
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What is a primary problem?
pathology is in that system e.g. neoplasm, infection, inflammation
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What is secondary problem?
Pathology outside the system is affecting the way the system is functioning e.g. affects of hypoxia, electrolyte changes, toxins on organs.
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How do you differentiate treatment of structural and functional primary disease?
Surgical treatment = structural
Medical treatment = functional
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What happens if incorrect definition of problem or system?
- endangering patient by delaying or incorrect diagnosis
- wasted time
- wasted money
- impaired client-vet trust
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When defining the lesion, what acronym can help you?
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What does DAMNIT stand for?
- Degenerate / Developmental
- Anomalous/ Autoimmune
- Metabolic / Mechanical/ Mental
- Nutritional/ Neoplasia
- Inflammatory/ Infection/ Ischemic/ Immune/ Inherited/ Iatrogenic/ Idiopathic
- Traumatic
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Description of Degenerate Disease?
Gets worse over time, or with ageing.
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Description of developmental disease?
Congenital: hypoplasia of organs, anagenesis etc
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Examples of Metabolic Disease?
Hormone imbalances, enzyme deficiencies etc
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Examples of mechanical disease?
pressure, thermal injury, ionising radiation
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Description of mental disease?
pyschological, behavioural
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2 types of Neoplasm?
Benign neoplasms, malignant neoplasm (non-metastatic versus metastatic)
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Differentials prioritised via?
geographic location
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Pros of LCPS?
- avoid confirmation bias
- avoid tunnel vision
- helps chunk differentials
- ensures appropriate history taken
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What MUST you do with LCPS?
Must ensure full and transparent communication with owners about appropriate diagnostics and treatment required
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is type II clinical reasoning?


Problem based solving via analytical reasoning

Card 3


When does type I clinical reasoning work best?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Pros of type I clinical reaosning?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Cons of type I clinical reasoning?


Preview of the front of card 5
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