Nazi Germany Revision

The Chancellor
The leader of the German Government who was appointed by the president, after securing a majority of seats in the Reichstag. Hitler was Chancellor from 30th January 1933- August 1934, when he became Fuhrer.
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The President
The Head of State in Germany who was elected every 7 years, who was responsible for appointing a Chancellor after an election. He could also enact Article 48, giving him emergency powers. Hindenburg held this role until his death on 2nd August 1934,
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Far-Right Politics
An political ideology which is in favour of nationalism, string immigration views and tough economic sanctions (E.G Privatisation, expenditure cuts, low taxes for the rich). Often seen as racists, as they target a particular group and blamed them for
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A way in which the state is able to control perception and 'spin' the news to push a believe, cover up and target what they want the population to see, pushing the Governments views. Joseph Goebbels, was the 'Minister for propaganda and Enlightenment
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When the government prints too much money, and the value of the money, is worth less than what it says on the note. This occurred with the German mark. Hitler used this when campaigning to become Chancellor.
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The Reichstag Fire
On the 27th February, a Dutch communist called Martin Van der Lubbe set fire to the German parliament (The Reichstag). This was the beginning of a chain of events which led to Hitler becoming the Fuhrer.
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The Enabling Act
After the Reichstag fire, Hitler declared a state of emergency and announced the Enabling Act, which effectively gave him 100% control over the German government, whipping out all his opposition.This bought him ever closer to becoming Fuhrer.
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'The Night of the Long Knives'
Hitlers para- military force, the SA, had become out of control so Hitler decided to deal with the problem. On the 30th June - 2nd July 1934 Hitler had over 1000 men of the SA killed, including the leader Ernst Rohm. Hitler combined the rest of the S
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Nuremberg Laws
On September 15th 1935, the Nazi government led by Adolf Hitler passed the Nuremberg laws which was the beginning of the persecution of the Jews. These laws prohibited Jews from becoming German citizens and marring/having sexual relations with a Germ
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The Four Year Plan
A plan created by Hermann Goring to make Germany a self sufficient country. This would mean it would produce its own food, have its own commodities, eliminating the need for trade and effectively prepare the country for War, along with the process of
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'The Night of Broken Glass' (Kristallnacht)
After the murder of a German diplomat in Paris, on the 9th-10th November 1938, Minister Goebbels order that the ** attack, beat up and even kill Jewish families in Germany. Many German citizens partook with the event as well as the **. Following the
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The Gestapo
The secret police of Germany who were responsible for spying and arresting enemies of the state. They would use covert techniques to spy on those who were discouraging the Third Reich and would take enemies in the middle of the night.
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Hitler Youth
A scheme set up by the Nazis to get young boys fit and educated, becoming the ideal Nazi boy. They would go through military training, shooting drills and physical fitness. It was established in 1920 and by 1939 became compulsory for boys to join.
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The Concordat
A pact between the Catholic church and the Nazis in which the catholic church was still allowed to operate however they weren't allowed to speak out against what the Nazi's were doing.
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20th July Plot
A plot led by German Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg where he attempted to kill Hitler, then use the order 'Valkyrie' to deploy the reserve army and take control of Berlin, arresting and killing all those loyal to Hitler. The plot failed and the consp
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Berlin Olympics 1936
Hitler tried to show the world his theory that the Aryan race were superior. However this was completely disproved when black American athlete Jesse Owens won four gold medal at the games.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The Head of State in Germany who was elected every 7 years, who was responsible for appointing a Chancellor after an election. He could also enact Article 48, giving him emergency powers. Hindenburg held this role until his death on 2nd August 1934,


The President

Card 3


An political ideology which is in favour of nationalism, string immigration views and tough economic sanctions (E.G Privatisation, expenditure cuts, low taxes for the rich). Often seen as racists, as they target a particular group and blamed them for


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Card 4


A way in which the state is able to control perception and 'spin' the news to push a believe, cover up and target what they want the population to see, pushing the Governments views. Joseph Goebbels, was the 'Minister for propaganda and Enlightenment


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Card 5


When the government prints too much money, and the value of the money, is worth less than what it says on the note. This occurred with the German mark. Hitler used this when campaigning to become Chancellor.


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