Music works

  • Created by: nina
  • Created on: 06-05-13 20:58
What period is Tavener- The Lamb from?
20th Century
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What style of music is Tavener- The Lamb?
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What form is Tavener- The Lamb?
Strophic (hint of ternary form)
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What period is Poulenc- Sonata for Horn, trumpet and Trombone from?
20th Century
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What style of music is Poulenc- Sonata for Horn, Trumpet and Trombone
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What is the form of Poulenc- Sonata for Horn, Trumpet and Trombone
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What period is Reich- NewYork Counterpoint from?
20th Century
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What Style of music is Reich- NewYork Counterpoint?
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What is the form of Reich- NewYork Counterpoint?
There is no clear form in this composition
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What period is Debussy- Prelude a l'apres- midi d'un faune from?
20th Century
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what style of music is Debussy- Prelude a l'apres- midi d'un faune?
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What is the form of Debussy- Prelude a l'apres- midi d'un faune?
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What period is Schubert- Der Doppelganger from?
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What is the form of Schubert- Der Doppelganger?
Through composed
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What period is Mozart- Piano Sonata, K.333 1st Movement from?
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What is the form of Mozart- Piano Sonata, K.333 1st Movement?
Sonata Form
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What musical period is Monteverdi- Ohime, se tanto amate from?
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What is the form of Monteverdi- Ohime, se tanto amate from?
Through composed
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What musical period is Dowland- Flow my tears from?
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What is the form of Dowland- Flow my tears?
Through composed and strophic features
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Describe the texture in Dowland- Flow my tears?
1) essentially melody and accompaniment though there is sufficient movement between the two parts to be contrapuntal. 2) Lute chords vary in size between 4-6 note chords 3) imitative passages between the solo,treble and bass lute accompaniment.
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Describe the harmony in Dowland- Flow my tears?
1) Dominant pedal in bar 2 2) Tierce de picadie at the end of a phrase. 3) Phrygian cadence is used, creating a false relation (bar 5) 4) most chords are in root position or in first inversion
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Describe the melody in Dowland- Flow my tears?
1) word setting is entirely syllabic which some occasional exceptions 2) internal phrase structures are irregular, reflecting the syllabic structure of each stanza. 3) Momentary leaps of a 4th on the word "happie" and treated as a descending sequence
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Describe the rhythm in Dowland- Flow my tears?
1) bassline of the accompaniment moves in rhythmic counterpoint to the melody of the solo part. 2) syncopation is apparent to accommodate the natural stresses in the lyrics.
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What key is Dowland - Flow my tears?
A minor, with some Aeolian inflections.
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What is the texture in Monteverdi- Ohime se tanto amate?
Often all voices share the same rhythm- Homorhythmic. 2) Freer homophonic style or occasionally in counterpoint
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What is the tonality in Monteverdi- Ohime se tanto amate?
1) diatonic scales, Dorian mode 2) despite this tonic and dominant notes are emphasised to clarify the tonal centre ( Gminor and Dmajor). 3)
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what is the harmony in Monteverdi- Ohime se tanto amate?
Root position and 1st inversion chords dominante the harmonic language.
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what is the melody in Monteverdi - Ohime se tanto amate?
Conjunct motion 2) repeated notes in the course of the piece 3) small leaps of 3rd- falling sequence
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what is the rhythm and metre in Monteverdi- Ohime se tanto amate?
syncopation is used in places, again to further support the meaning of the text. strong syllables on the strong beats of the bar.
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Card 2


What style of music is Tavener- The Lamb?



Card 3


What form is Tavener- The Lamb?


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Card 4


What period is Poulenc- Sonata for Horn, trumpet and Trombone from?


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Card 5


What style of music is Poulenc- Sonata for Horn, Trumpet and Trombone


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