Muscle Contraction

What is the scientific name for a nerve impulse/signal?
Action Potential
1 of 31
What is the gap between two nerves called?
2 of 31
What opens after an action potential arrives at the synapse (the neuromuscular junction)?
Calcium Channels
3 of 31
The opening of the calcium channels causes...?
Vesicles (which contain transmitter) to bind to the presynaptic membrane.
4 of 31
What is the name of the transmitter in the neuromuscular junction/synapse?
5 of 31
The vesicles release Acetylcholine into the...?
Synaptic Cleft
6 of 31
Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft and bonds to...?
The receptors on the Post-Synaptic Membrane.
7 of 31
What is the Post-Synaptic Membrane?
A muscle fibre membrane.
8 of 31
What triggers the Sodium Channels to open?
The binding of Acetylcholine to the post-synaptic membrane.
9 of 31
When the sodium channels open, sodium rapidly enters the cell causing...?
10 of 31
What does depolarisation trigger?
An action potential.
11 of 31
Through what does the action potential travel deep into the muscle fibre?
12 of 31
The action potential causes...?
Calcium channels to open, allowing for the diffusion of calcium into the muscle tissue.
13 of 31
This diffusion of calcium causes...?
Muscle Contraction
14 of 31
What are the two types of 'filament' in muscle called?
Myosin (thick filaments) and Actin (thin filaments)
15 of 31
The structure of Actin is...?
Two thin strands [of actin] twisted together.
16 of 31
The structure of Myosin is...?
Two thick strands [of myosin] , with bulbous heads twisted together.
17 of 31
Actin is joined to the...?
18 of 31
Myosin is joined to the...?
19 of 31
What is the name for one full set of actin and myosin?
The Sacromere
20 of 31
After calcium ions diffuse into the muscle fibres, they bind to what, causing what...?
The Calcium ions bind to the Tropomyosin and cause it to move; revealing the myosin binding sites.
21 of 31
Tropomyosin is wrapped around...?
22 of 31
An ATP molecule is broken down into ADP+Pi by which enzyme?
23 of 31
ADP attaches to...?
The myosin bulbous head.
24 of 31
A Cross-Bridge is formed when a...?
Myosin head and ADP molecule attach to/bind with the actin.
25 of 31
After binding with the actin, the myosin heads then move, in what is called a...?
"Power Stroke"
26 of 31
Whilst moving the actin fibre along, the myosin heads...?
Release ADP.
27 of 31
After pulling the actin fibre along, the myosin heads...?
Attach to ATP molecules.
28 of 31
The bonding with the ATP molecules causes...?
The myosin heads to detach from the actin fibres.
29 of 31
As this process repeats, the actin...?
Overlaps the myosin more, shortening the sacromere and muscle.
30 of 31
This process is called...?
Muscle Contraction
31 of 31

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the gap between two nerves called?



Card 3


What opens after an action potential arrives at the synapse (the neuromuscular junction)?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The opening of the calcium channels causes...?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the name of the transmitter in the neuromuscular junction/synapse?


Preview of the front of card 5
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