Mother Any Distance

  • Created by: Scythe27x
  • Created on: 25-05-17 18:57
"Anchor. Kite"
He is a kite starting to fly, but his anchor mother still keeps him secure. These two one word sentences show the pace of the poem, suggesting that he feels apprehensive and thoughtful.
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"up the stairs"
This quote shows the narrator moving away from his mother physically, but also emotionally.
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"Your fingertips still pinch the last one-hundredth of an inch"
The use of the word "pinch" suggests how desperately she doesn't want to let him go. However it also suggests pain, if she doesn't let him go, she'll hurt him.
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"to fall or fly"
Bird imagery suggests hatching and "flying the nest", he's breaking free of his mother's protection, but doesn't know if he'll succeed without her security.
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"The line still feeding out"
This reinforces the imagery of an umbilical cord, as the mother and pre-born baby are usually connected through an umbilical cord, and the word "feeding" is like the umbilical cord taking care of the baby.
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Space metaphor reflects how he feels that being on his own is an exciting adventure, but it's also scary. It emphasises that this is a new experience for him.
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This poem describes a parent - child relationship, in the first half describing the positive aspects of it (her helping him with growing up) and then in the second half the negative (her becoming over bearing clingy towards him).
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The only piece may be that Simon Armitage (the author) still lives in the same place where he grew up, West Yorkshire. This may show his own uncertainty to become independent which he reflects in the poem.
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The poem is loosely written in the form of a sonnet, sonnets are traditionally used for love poetry, so this choice of form shows that the speaker still loves his mother. Unlike a sonnet, the poem has an irregular rhyme scheme. He is uncertain.
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The speaker talks about how he needs his mother in the first stanza. In the second stanza he begins to explore independence, and in the last stanza he understands something has to change if he is going to be independent.
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Language about Measurement
Measurements and distances are an extended metaphor in this poem. They represent the poet's changing relationship with his mother.
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Language about Movement
Movement is used to show how the poet is breaking away from his mother. Walking around his new house is like exploring a new world, and he feels ready to try to "fly".
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The visual image of the tape as a link between the mother and son suggests an umbilical cord (a cord that connects a baby in the womb to its mother). The image of the narrator as a "Kite" and his mother as an "Anchor" suggests that she keeps him safe
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Simon Armitage
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


"up the stairs"


This quote shows the narrator moving away from his mother physically, but also emotionally.

Card 3


"Your fingertips still pinch the last one-hundredth of an inch"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"to fall or fly"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"The line still feeding out"


Preview of the front of card 5
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