Minerals for Healthy Growth

  • Created by: SamDavies
  • Created on: 26-11-13 20:52
Why do plants need nitrates?
To make amino acids and proteins for cell growth
1 of 8
What happens if they don't get enough?
They grow stunted and have yellow older leaves
2 of 8
Why do plants need phosphates?
To make DNA and cell membranes and they're needed for respiration and growth
3 of 8
What happens if they don't get enough?
Poor root growth and purple older leaves
4 of 8
Why do plants need potassium?
To help enzymes needed for photosynthesis and respiration
5 of 8
What happens if they don't get enough?
Poor flower and fruit growth and discoloured leaves
6 of 8
Even though it is in small quantities, why do plants need magnesium?
To make chlorophyll for photosynthesis
7 of 8
What happens if they don't get enough?
They get yellow leaves
8 of 8

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Card 2


What happens if they don't get enough?


They grow stunted and have yellow older leaves

Card 3


Why do plants need phosphates?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens if they don't get enough?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do plants need potassium?


Preview of the front of card 5
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