Miles Davis- All Blues

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1 of 15
On what type of chord progression are the choruses in this piece based?
12 bar-blues
2 of 15
describe the instrumental techniques used by the double bass
3 of 15
describe the instrumental techniques used by the trumpet when it first plays
harmon mute
4 of 15
describe the instrumental techniques used by the snare drum at the beginning
played with wire brushes
5 of 15
what is the name for the 4-bar section that separated each chorus?
6 of 15
explain the term 'frontline'
The opening of the piece
7 of 15
Explain the term rhythm section
when the more rhythmic instruments only play (piano, bass and drums)
8 of 15
this is the rem for musical ideas that are developed spontaneously, having not previously been written down?
9 of 15
why can 'all blues' be described as modal jazz?
It's laid back and uncomplicated, with improvisations based on modes.
10 of 15
the quavers in 'all blues' are performed slightly differently to how they are notated in the score. what is the difference?
they are swing quavers the first is a little longer than the second
11 of 15
what does the term 'comping' mean, and which instrument does it apply to?
when the pianist plays with chords and short melodic ideas
12 of 15
with which instrument is Miles Davis associated?
13 of 15
where and when did the blues originate?
in the early 20th century in the southern states of America
14 of 15
Chord progression
g7, g7, g7, g7, gm7, g7m, g7, g7, g7, d7, Eb7/D7, F/G, F/G6
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


On what type of chord progression are the choruses in this piece based?


12 bar-blues

Card 3


describe the instrumental techniques used by the double bass


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


describe the instrumental techniques used by the trumpet when it first plays


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


describe the instrumental techniques used by the snare drum at the beginning


Preview of the front of card 5
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