
Step 1:
Mark out the area of the field to investigate and calculate the total area. Divide the area into a 1m by 1m grid
1 of 7
Step 2:
In order to be accurate you need to aim to sample 5-10% of the total area
2 of 7
Step 3:
Generate random coordinates using a random number generator
3 of 7
Step 4:
Count the number of species within the first quadrate
4 of 7
Step 5:
Repeat this at the position determined by each set of random co-ordinates
5 of 7
Step 6:
Calculate the mean number of species found within all quadrates
6 of 7
Step 7:
Calculate total population = mean number of species x total area
7 of 7

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Card 2


Step 2:


In order to be accurate you need to aim to sample 5-10% of the total area

Card 3


Step 3:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Step 4:


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Step 5:


Preview of the front of card 5
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