Medicine Through Time (Public Health - All Periods)

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 02-06-13 17:23
What public health systems did the Romans build?
Aqueducts, public baths, toilets and sewers.
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Why were the public health systems introduced by the Romans so successful?
Government funding able to enhance the importance of hygiene. Prevented disease instead of treating it.
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What happened to public health systems after the Roman Empire collapsed?
They were destroyed.
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What was public health like in Medieval Times?
Bad. Lack of central organisation. Cesspits and chamber pots chucked sewage in streets, water close to sewage and waste dumped into it. Some drank beer and wine as it was healthier.
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What improvements were made to public health in the Renaissance period?
Rubbish disposed of twice a week by officials, they realised there was a link between dirt and disease, wooden pipes for water, and still conduits. No germ theory.
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How did the Chadwick Report lead to improvements?
The figures shocked people. Encouraged the 1st Public Health Act to be made. People wanting improvements to public health.
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Why was there opposition to John Snow's work?
No germ theory so couldn't prove he was correct.
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How was Laissez-Faire defeated?
Snow proved right causing the government to respond and improve conditions. 2nd Public Health Act which was more effective than the first.
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Why wasn't life in 1900 any better?
Slums, people lived in tenements (damp, insanitary houses), large families in one home, poor worked long hours with low wages, couldn't afford a doctor, high death rate.
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Why did WWII help to improve healthcare?
Evacuations highlights poverty, rich became aware of health problems, Emergency Medical Service gave free healthcare during air raids.
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What were the initial disadvantages to the National Insurance Act?
It wasn't compulsory and it only covered people who paid it. People couldn't afford it.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why were the public health systems introduced by the Romans so successful?


Government funding able to enhance the importance of hygiene. Prevented disease instead of treating it.

Card 3


What happened to public health systems after the Roman Empire collapsed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was public health like in Medieval Times?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What improvements were made to public health in the Renaissance period?


Preview of the front of card 5
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