Meat and offal

Name 4 different types of meat
Beef, lamb/mutton, pork and veal
1 of 35
Name 3 cuts of beef
Rump, for rib and brisket
2 of 35
Name 3 cuts of lamb/mutton
Shank, Shoulder and loin
3 of 35
Name 3 cuts of pork
Belly, loin and leg
4 of 35
Name 3 cuts of veal
Loin, cutlets and escalope
5 of 35
Name 4 types of offal
Heart, liver, kidney and suet
6 of 35
Name 8 preparation methods used for the dishes
Skinning, boning, trimming, dicing, mincing, slicing, stuffing and tying and securing
7 of 35
Name 5 cooking methods for meat and offal dishes
Roasting, grilling, steaming, stewing, baking
8 of 35
Name 3 types of sauces that you would use for meat and offal dishes
Bechamel, jus and veloute
9 of 35
What accompaniments could you use
Flavoured butters/oils, dressing and appropriate garnishes for dish specifications
10 of 35
What finishing methods would you use
Plating suitable for dish, tasting and adjusting seasoning, carving/slicing and checking temperature
11 of 35
What animals do the heart come form
Lamb, sheep, ox, beef and calf
12 of 35
What animals do the liver come from
Lamb, sheep, ox, pig and calf
13 of 35
What animals do the kidney come from
Lamb, sheep, ox, pig and calf
14 of 35
What is the structure of the meat
Muscle, fat and the effects of ageing
15 of 35
What colour should the meat and offal be
Lambs and calves kidney should be lighter than sheep's or ox kidney
16 of 35
What should the appearance be
There shouldn't be too much fat, it should be moist, and smooth
17 of 35
What should the aroma be
It shouldn't give an unpleasant smell
18 of 35
What else should you look for
That there is no stickiness, that is should be tender and firm in texture
19 of 35
Why must you check the quality of meat
Because course meat can take longer to cook so dissolve collagen, fat adds flavour and moisture and when its hung the flavour and moisture increases
20 of 35
What are the preservation methods
Marinating, curing, vacuum packing, confit and freezing
21 of 35
What is confit
Where meat is salted and cooked the fat,sealed and allow to cool in a cool, dark place
22 of 35
What are the advantages of these preservation methods
Slows spoilage, prevent bacteria growth, manage glut, prepare in advance and buying in season
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What are the disadvantages of these preservation methods
Change in texture, nutritional value, appearance, aroma, taste and the amount of storage space needed
24 of 35
What is the cooking methods for rump in beef
Grilling, frying,roasting and braising
25 of 35
What is the cooking methods for fore rib in beef
Roasting and braising
26 of 35
What are the cooking methods for kidney in beef
Braising, stewing and frying
27 of 35
What are the cooking methods for shoulder of lamb
Roasting and stewing
28 of 35
What is the cooking methods for lambs heart
29 of 35
What is the cooking method for pork trotters
Grilling and boiling
30 of 35
What are the cooking methods for pork belly
Pickling, boiling, stuffed, rolled and roasted
31 of 35
What are the cooking methods for pork liver
32 of 35
What are the cooking methods for veal shoulder
Braising and stewing
33 of 35
What are the cooking methods for veal liver
34 of 35
What are the cooking methods for goat flank
Grilling and roasting
35 of 35

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 3 cuts of beef


Rump, for rib and brisket

Card 3


Name 3 cuts of lamb/mutton


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 3 cuts of pork


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 3 cuts of veal


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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