Matters of Life after Death

  • Created by: AA_0299
  • Created on: 24-05-23 17:21
Sanctity of Life
Human life is special, sacred, holy because it was created by God.
"God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them."
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Abortion is legal for 24 weeks as longs as two doctors agree:
The woman has been *****
The child will be born with severe disability
If the brith of the child, will cause severe menat distress to the mother
If the birth of the child will affect the health and well-being of exisiting children.
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Arguements For Abortion
Woman's right to choos, God has given freewill
Prevents the birth unwanted children - can be the most loving thing
Psychological trauma can be greater thna the trauma of abortion
Life only begins when the feotus is independent
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Arguements Against Abortion
Foetus is a potential person - has rights
Each baby is unique
Adoption is much better than abortion
Life begins at the moment of conception.
Some people use abortion as a form of contraception
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Roman Catholic View on Abortion
Take an absolute moral stance on abortion. They believe that as life begins at conception, then the Sacntity Of Life arguement applies to the unborn foetus and therefore abortion is a sin. It is murder and against the 6th commandment.
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Protestant View on Abortion
Mnay Protestants will use Situation Ethics to decide their biew on abortion . Abortion may be permitted when there is a risk to the mother there is a grave risk the child will suffere a handicap or after ****, as in these situations is the most loving thi
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Humanist View on Abortion
A foetus cannot be considered a seperate life until it lives outside the mother. A woman should have the right to choose. Abortion should be an automatic right after ****. Many Humanists would use Utilitarian principles.
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A good death.
The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.
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Types of Euthanasia
Active Euthanasia
Passive Euthanasia
Voluntary Euthanasia
Non-Voluntary Euthanasia
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Active Euthanasia
Where something is done, perhaps a drug administered, to end a person’s life.
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Passive Euthanasia
Where the medication they are on is withdrawn, and they die naturally, but sooner.
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Voluntary Euthanasia
When someone asks for their life to be end
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Non-voluntary Euthanasia
When they are unable to ask, but you have good reason for thinking they would want their life to end
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The Hospice Movement
Many Christians believe the Hospice Movement provides a better alternative to euthanasia. Hospices aim to relieve physical symptoms of illness and get rid of as much pain as is possible.
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Non - religious reasons for life after death
Near death experiences.
Evidence for a spirit world.
Evidence of reincarnation (remembered lives).
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Near death experiences.
(Non - religious reasons for life after death)
These happen when people are clinically dead for a period of time and then come back to life. People often describe feelings of peace and joy, a sensation of floating above the body, seeing a bright light, meeting dead relatives and coming to the point of
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Evidence for a spirit world.
(Non - religious reasons for life after death)
Ghosts appear to give evidence of the spirits or souls of dead surviving death but the clearest evidence seems to be from mediums. A medium is a person who claims to have the gift of communicating between the world we live in and the spirit world where th
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Evidence of reincarnation (remembered lives)
(Non - religious reasons for life after death)
People claim to have remembered lives; they can remember themselves in other lives.
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Other reasosn why peope might believe in life after death:
It gives meaning and purpose to their life.
Gives comfort when a loved one dies, believing they are in a better place and we will see them again
It is demanded by the nature of justice, often the evil remain unpunished in this life and the good unrewarde
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Arguemnts against Life After Death
Evidence for life after death is based on holy books, but there is no way for a non-believer to decide which holy books is the true word of God.
The Bible contains too many contradictions to be proof of life after death. Different religions have different
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The Origins and Value of The Universe
Part 1
In the 1920s Georges Lemaître devised what is now called The Big Bang Theory – a theory about the starting point of the Universe. Around fourteen billion years ago the universe was made by a massive explosion or ‘big bang’. This sent matter and gases flyi
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The Origins and Value of The Universe
Part 2
As the gases cooled they formed the stars and the planets, including the earth. Our world is just one tiny planet among many and our galaxy is just one of millions. The galaxies are still moving away from each other as the universe expands they believe th
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The Origins and Value of The Universe
Part 3
Scientists can observe that the Universe is still expanded because of the distortion of light and wave length – this is called the ‘Red Shift’. This was discovered by Edward Hubble.
If the Universe is expanding it must mean that at one point it was muc
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Evidence for th Big Bang
Part 1
The redshift effect. Light from the stars approaching us should be at the blue end of the light spectrum whereas light going away from us should be at the red end. When other galaxies have been studied they are at the red end of the spectrum which is evid
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Evidence for th Big Bang
Part 2
Radio telescopes have discovered background radiation throughout the universe which scientists believe has been left behind by the Big Bang.
These gravitational waves are triggered by the rapid expansio of the Universe during the Big Bang
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No Conflict between the Big Bang theory and Christian Beliefs
Some Christians regard the Genesis Creation accounts as more like parables or symbolic accounts that tell (in story form) the profound truth that God brought the universe and all that is in it into being, and sustains his creation.
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Creatonist Beliefs about the Big Bang
Claims that the earth was created in 6 days as the Bible is the word of God and cannot be wrong. All evidence for the Big Bang can by explained by the effects of Noah’s Flood, which must have changed the rock formations
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Intelligent Design Beliefs about the Big Bang
The universe is too complex to have happened by chance, it must have been created by an intelligent designer – God. This includes “irreducible complexity”- the universe depends on many interlocking parts and the removal of any one of those parts would mea
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The value of the universe in Christian teaching
God created the universe and everything in it in way that it produced an environment perfectly suited for human life.
Gensis 1-2, "God saw what he had made and is was very good."
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The universe as a commodity
Some Christians believe that Genesis 1-2 means that the universe and it’s resources are simply a commodity which humans can use and misuse as they wish. However most Christians believe that these verses mean that because God made the earth, it belongs to
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Evolution by Natural Selection
Part 1
Evolution is associated with Charles Darwin who wrote ‘the Orgin of Species' in 1859.
Darwin argued that life began with very simple cells and later developed, by natural selection, into what we see today.
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Evolution by Natural Selection
Part 2
Individuals with characteristics most suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. The genes that allow these individuals to be successful are passed to their offspring. This is called survival of the fittest
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Evolution by Natural Selection
Part 3
Those that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce. This means that their genes are less likely to be passed on to the next generation. Natural Selection happens
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Natural Selection
. Characteristics that are not suited to the environment become less common and eventually disappear altogether. This is called natural selection.
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Evidence for Evolution
The Fossil recorded:
-Palaeontologist have discovered the older the fossil, the more simple its structure. It also provides evidence of transitional species as well as species that no longer exist e.g. dinosaurs.
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Why Evolution might cause issues for Christians?
Part 1
Evolution challenges the authority of the Bible. If evolution is correct the Genesis accounts of creation must be wrong.
Sanctity of life arguments rely on God creating humans and giving them a special place in creation
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Why Evolution might cause issues for Christians?
Part 2
Christianity is based on the belief that God is good, but natural selection, the survival of the fittest operates on violence and suffering at times. This goes against the omnibenevolent nature of God.
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Why Evolution might cause issues for Christians?
Part 3
Christianity is still based on the idea of original sin and the Fall of Man. However, if evolution is true there was no Adam and Eve, no Fall and therefore no original sin and no need for the death of Jesus to pay for the sins of mankind. If evolution is
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Christian Responses to Evolution
Evolution is part of God’s design of the universe. The way God made the universe was bound to result in evolution and the development of humans because of the laws of science and natural selection that he put in place.
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Creationist Responses to Evolution
The fossil record does not provide evidence of evolution, but instead are remains if animal life destroyed by Noah’s ark. The earth was created as described in Genesis in 6 24 hour periods 10,000 years ago– this is caked Young Earth creationism.
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Intelligent Design Beliefs about Evolution
God created each species separately and at the same time. God then allowed them to evolve within their own species – on the Galapagos Darwin found finches developing different beaks not of finches developing into whole new species
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Athiest and Science Beliefs about Evolution
Richard Dawkins a well renowned atheist wrote: “So powerful is the illusion of design, it took humanity until the mid-19th century to realize that it is an illusion”
He said religion and science are not compatible because religion is simply an illusion th
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God gave humans the task of looking after the earth and all the life on it (Gen 1:26 – “let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild animals of the earth”, so Christians have a God
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Church Of England -
It is the responsibility of all people to do everything they can to prevent pollution, to prevent damage to plants and animals and to ensure the world’s resources are available equally to all people.
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Roman Catholic Church
Said people have a responsibility to think about the amount we consume. We should plan for the welfare of future generations. Consider the impact that the behaviour of richer countries has on the developing.
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The produce of the earth is a gift from our creator and to damage the earth now to support pour greed is an injury to future generations
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Animal Rights
Supporters believe that animals should not be used for food, clothing, medical research or entertainment.
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Animal Welfare.
Supporters believe that animals can be used for food, clothing, medical research and entertainment, as long as there is no unnecessary suffering.
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Most churches agree that the use of animals for medical research is sometimes necessary but are against testing for cosmetics or household products.
Humans are God’s most important creation.
Animals come below people because they do not have souls.
Animals were created for the use of mankind
They can be used to benefit mankind so long as their suffering is considered. We should avoid causing unnecess
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Roman Catholic Beliefs about Animal Rights and Welfare and exeperiments.
Animal experiments are tolerable so long as the experiments are reasonable and as long as the intention is to improve to the quality of health and to save human lives. Not acceptable for cosmetics or for trivial reasons.
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Church of England Beliefs about Animal Rights and Welfare and exeperiments.
Church of England recognises need for research to improve medical understanding but “medical use of animals should be monitored in the light of ethical principles.” Treating animals with cruelty, however, is a misuse of the special responsibilities given
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Why Some Christians are against using animal testing even for medical research.
We should treat animals with respect and have value because they are part of God’s creation
Everything is interdependent – our treatment of animals reflects on us. Animals should not be exploited Jesus said in the NT that the death of a single sparrow do
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Quakers Belief about Animal Rights and Welfare and Experiments
The Quakers are opposed to the ill-treatment of animals – especially if it is for our pleasure. Many Quakers are always vegetarian.
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Utilitarianism is a theory that says that you should decide what you do in order to provide the most happiness and the least pain in a situation.
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Non religious view - Utilitarian
Many medical advances are the result of countless animal experiments (an enormous harm), but has, eventually, resulted in the successful treatment of patients (an enormous benefit). Therefore the use of animals in research/testing can be seen to be justif
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The woman has been *****
The child will be born with severe disability
If the brith of the child, will cause severe menat distress to the mother
If the birth of the child will affect the health and well-being of exisiting children.


Abortion is legal for 24 weeks as longs as two doctors agree:

Card 3


Woman's right to choos, God has given freewill
Prevents the birth unwanted children - can be the most loving thing
Psychological trauma can be greater thna the trauma of abortion
Life only begins when the feotus is independent


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Foetus is a potential person - has rights
Each baby is unique
Adoption is much better than abortion
Life begins at the moment of conception.
Some people use abortion as a form of contraception


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Take an absolute moral stance on abortion. They believe that as life begins at conception, then the Sacntity Of Life arguement applies to the unborn foetus and therefore abortion is a sin. It is murder and against the 6th commandment.


Preview of the back of card 5
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