Massage techniques

  • Created by: fsward1
  • Created on: 25-10-23 15:21
What are all of the massage movements called?
Effleurage, Petrissage, Tapotement, vibrations, frictions & pressure points.
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What type of movement is Effleurage?
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What type of movement is Petrissage?
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What type of movement is Tapotement?
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Describe effleurage movements:
They are performed with the whole palm and depending on the pressure applied can either be superficial a deep movements. Effleurage always commences and completes a massage routine and can be used as a linking movement.
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What are the effects of effleurage?
They have a sedating relaxing affect on the skin. Increase his lymphatic and blood circulation, relieves tension, helps reduce non-medical oedema, aids desquamation, induces relaxation.
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Describe petrissage movements:
Include kneeding, knuckling, lifting, rolling and wringing. Intermittent pressure is applied smoothly and firmly to the tissues of the skin, lifting it from the underlying structures. This is then followed by relaxation.
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What is the effect of petrissage movements?
Help to tone & muscular fatigue=improvees muscle elasticity. Increase lymphatic & blood circulation & venous return, breaks down tight nodules, removal of waste from tissues, promotes relaxation, help soften & mobilise fat
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Describe the tapotement and movements:
Include beating, clapping/cupping, hacking and pounding. They are used for general toning.
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What is the effect of tapotement movements?
Increases sluggish circulation, stimulates the sensory nerve endings, improves muscle tone and response, helps to Luton mucus in chest conditions, helps reduce obesity, improve spotty skin
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. When should tapotement movements not be used?
In a relaxing massage. If the client does not have a suitable body mass.
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Why doing up from tapotement movements i'm clients with less mass?
It can be very uncomfortable.
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What a vibration movements?
Fine trembling movements performed with one or both hands. Can be static and/or running vibrations. Can use the Palomar surface of a hand, pads are fingertips, and the distal phalanx of the thumb.
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What a vibration movement used for?
To relieve pain and fatigue, to stimulate the nerves, and produces sedative effect.
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What are the effects of using vibration movements?
Relieve tension in the neck and the long muscles of the back, increase the action of the lungs, to increase peristalsis in the colon.
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What is peristalsis?
It is the muscular contractions of the gut that move food along.
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What a friction movements?
They are concentrated in a particular area and applied with a regulated pressure.
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What are friction movements used for?
To cause the skin and superficial structures to move together over the deeper, underlying structures. The technique helps to break down fibrous thickening and fat deposits, and eight the removal of any non-medical oedemas.
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What are the effects of friction movements?
aids relaxation, breakdown tight nodules, increase lymph and blood circulation.
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What a pressure points in massage?
The application of pressure on specific points of the head, face, or body using fingertips and thumbs.
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What are the effects of pressure points?
Help to release blocked energy channels flowing through the body, improving circulation, stimulating the nervous system, improving the body's ability to function and repair.
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What is the name of the G5 massage?
Gyratory massage
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How does the G5 work?
It has different heads to mimick movements such as effleurage and pettrisage. It is a deeper massage. Can use as a standing machine or handheld.
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Where can you not use G5?
On bony areas.
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What are the benefits of G5?
increase circ, increase lymph circ, softening fatty tissues, stim of S.N. endings, stim of skin func, desquamation, improves cellulite areas, improves dry skin
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What types of heads does the G5 have?
Smooth or sponge, ball studded, brush spiked.
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What do the G5 smooth surface/sponge applicatiors do? How is it used? Shape?
start & end treatment, stronger effleurage to manual. Use 1 direction towards lymph nodes, following venous return of blood. Two shapes: flat & moulded.
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What does the G5 ball studded applicatior do? How is it used? Shape?
Deep, penetrating effect, similar to petrissage in manual. Use in rotary fashion to mimic petrissage. Many versions/shapes, some just 2 ball shapes, some as many. All give same effect but used depending on size of head and body area being worked on.
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What does the G5 brush or spiked applicatior do?
Similar effect to tapotement in manual. Improvement of skin tone and texture, a high degree of desquamation can be achieved.
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What medium can be used with the G5?
Powder only, no cream or oil as this will perish the heads.
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How is the G5 cleaned?
Warm soapy water, sterilise, then rinse and dry.
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Why use mechanical massage during a treatment?
It allows a deeper massage, with lasting effects, without the strain or risk of injury the therapist is manual techniques were used to achieve the same effects.
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Why would you pre heat an area before massage?
relax, soothe pain, reduce tension, prime the muscle for massage to imrpove the effectiveness of treatment.
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What can be used to pre heat?
Infa red lamp, heat pads, electric blankets, and hot mitts.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of movement is Effleurage?



Card 3


What type of movement is Petrissage?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of movement is Tapotement?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe effleurage movements:


Preview of the front of card 5
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