Mark's Gospel Topic 3 Teachings of Jesus

1. After John the Baptist was put in prison, where did Jesus go?
1. Jesus went in to Galilee proclaiming the Good News
1 of 49
2. “The time has come” Jesus said, what was near?
2. The Kingdom of God is near
2 of 49
3. What two things did Jesus ask his listeners to do to enter it?
3. Repent and believe in the Good News
3 of 49
4. In the story about Jesus' attitude to the Sabbath, Where were the disciples walking through ?
4. They were walking through the cornfields
4 of 49
5.What were they picking?
5. They were picking some ears of corn
5 of 49
6. Why were they doing it?
6. They were hungry
6 of 49
7. What problem did they Pharisees have with what they were doing?
7. The Pharisees said it was unlawful on the Sabbath (seen as harvesting/working)
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8. Jesus explains how even the greatest Jewish King David had to eat the consecrated bread with his army/ Why did they do it?
8. Because they were hungry and in need
8 of 49
9. What Quote does Jesus say at the end of the story?
9. The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.
9 of 49
10. Where did Jesus preach the parable of the Sower?
10. Jesus teaches this parable by the lake in Galilee
10 of 49
11. What happened to the seed that fell along the path?
11. It is eaten by birds (Satan)
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12. What happened to the seed that fell on rocky ground?
12. Sprang up quickly but was scorched by the sun and withered
12 of 49
13. What happened to the seed that fell among the thorn bushes?
13. The seed grew up but was choked by the thorns so did not bear fruit
13 of 49
14. What happened to the seed that fell on the good soil?
14. The seed grew and produced a good crop
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15. To whom has the secret of the Kingdom of God been given?
15. The disciples and others who are hearing and understanding the message
15 of 49
16. Who will ‘look and look, yet not see’ and listen and listen, yet not understand?
16. Those that are on the outside
16 of 49
17. If those people in the question above could see and understand what would happen?
17. They would repent and be forgiven
17 of 49
18. In the interpretation of the parable, what does the sower sow?
18. The word of God
18 of 49
19. What sort of people are like the seeds that fall along the path?
19. People who do not entertain the word and so Satan takes it away
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20. What sort of people are like the seeds that fall on rocky ground?
20. People who hear the word and receive it with joy but when trouble comes the word falls quickly away
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21. What sort of people are like the seeds that fall on the thorn bushes?
21. These people hear the word but the worries of this life, and the desires for wealth & other things come in and choke the word.
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22. What sort of people are like the seeds that produce corn?
22. These people hear the word, accept it and implement it in their lives.
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23. In the Parable of the Lamp on the Stand
Where should you not put a lamp?
23. You should not put a lamp under a bowl or a bed
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24. Where should you put it?
24. On a stand
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25. What will happen to things that are hidden and things that are covered up?
25. Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.
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26. In the Parable of the Growing Seed,
When does the man scatter his seed?
26. night and day
26 of 49
27. Does the man who plants the seed know how it grows?
27. He does not know how
27 of 49
28. What does the man do when the corn is ripe?
28.He puts the sickle to it as the harvest has come
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29. In the Parable of the Mustard Seed,
How big is the mustard seed?
29. The smallest of all seeds on earth
29 of 49
30. What does it become?
30. It becomes the largest of all garden plants
30 of 49
31. What happens in its shade?
31. The birds perch in its shade
31 of 49
32. To whom did Jesus always explain the parables?
32. The disciples
32 of 49
33. In Jesus and the Children,
What did Jesus say belongs to the children?
33. The Kingdom of God
33 of 49
34. What will happen to the person who does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child?
34. They will not enter it
34 of 49
35. In the story of 'Entry into the Kingdom'
What did the rich man ask Jesus?
35. What must I do to inherit eternal life?
35 of 49
36. Who did Jesus say was good?
36. No one but God is good
36 of 49
37. What did Jesus tell the man to keep?
37. The Commandments
37 of 49
38. How long had the man kept these?
38. He kept them since he was a boy
38 of 49
39. What did Jesus tell him to do?
39. 'Go, sell everything you have and give it to the poor. Then come, follow me.'
39 of 49
40. What is the quote about the camel?
40. 'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.'
40 of 49
41. How did the disciples react to this, and what did they ask each other?
41. The disciples were amazed and said 'Who then can be saved?'
41 of 49
42. What is impossible for God?
42. Nothing is impossible for God
42 of 49
43. What did Peter remind Jesus that they had left to follow him?
43. They had left everything to follow Jesus
43 of 49
44. What will such people receive?
44. They receive 100 times as much in this present age
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45. What will happen to many who are first, and to many who are last?
45. Many who are now first will be last and the last first'
45 of 49
46. Who asked Jesus about the Greatest Commandment ?
46. One of the Teachers of the Law
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47. Which two commandments did Jesus say were the greatest?
47. To Love God and to Love your neighbour
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48. The scribe agreed that these two commandments were more important than- what?
48. All burnt offerings and sacrifices
48 of 49
49. What did the Jesus say the teacher of the Law was not far from?
49. The Kingdom of God.
49 of 49

Other cards in this set

Card 2


2. “The time has come” Jesus said, what was near?


2. The Kingdom of God is near

Card 3


3. What two things did Jesus ask his listeners to do to enter it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


4. In the story about Jesus' attitude to the Sabbath, Where were the disciples walking through ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


5.What were they picking?


Preview of the front of card 5
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