Background Of Marks Gospel


Background Of Marks Gospel

Gospel means "Good News"

The reason it is called this is because the stories in the Gospel teach us about Jesus, what He did and the valuable lessons He taught us in order to understand how God expects us to act.

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Background Of Marks Gospel

"This is the Good News about Jesus Christ the Son Of God" 

This is the first line in Marks Gospel.

This line gives us evidence of Mark himself in addition to telling us what we are about to read (which is the "Good News")

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Background Of Marks Gospel

Why Christians believe that the Gospel is the Word Of God

Christians believe that the Holy Spirit blessed and inspired each writer to note down their findings and share it with other so their teaching could be passed on around the world and to upcoming generations. 

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Background Of Marks Gospel

Mark focuses on Jesus' miracles, struggles and teachings. It is not a bibliography for these and many other reasons (such as there are no facts about Jesus, his childhood etc). 

Mark's Gospel focuses on promoting faith so that the more Christians read the Gospel the more their faith strengthens. 

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Background Of Marks Gospel

Mark focuses on Jesus' miracles, struggles and teachings. It is not a bibliography for these and many other reasons (such as there are no facts about Jesus, his childhood etc). 

Makr's Gospel focuses on promoting faith so that the more Christians read the Gospel the more their faith strengthens. 

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