Link Reaction and Krebs Cycle

  • Created by: Lotto65
  • Created on: 18-03-17 11:46
What is required for pyruvate to be oxidised further?
The release of more energy from it if oxygen is available
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What does pyruvate become if it is not oxidised?
Ethanol and carbon dioxide (yeast) or lactate (humans)
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What does pyruvate become if it can be oxidised?
Carbon dioxide and water
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Where does oxidation of pyruvate take place?
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What is the first stage of pyruvate oxidation called?
Link reaction
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Where does the Krebs Cycle take place?
In the matrix of the mitochondrion
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What helps the Krebs cycle to take place?
Enzymes in the matrix of the mitochondrion
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How does pyruvate get into the mitochondrion?
The mitochondrion absorbs it
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What do enzymes do to the pyruvate in the mitochondrion?
Remove carbon dioxide and hydrogen
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How is the hydrogen properly removed?
NAD electron carrier accepts it
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What is the name of the process of removing carbon dioxide?
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What is the name of the process to remove both hydrogen and carbon dioxide from pyruvate?
Oxidative decarboxylation
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What is the product of removing hydrogen and carbon dioxide from pyruvate?
An acetyl group
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What is attached to the acetyl group in the link reaction?
Coenzyme A
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What is the name of the product once coenzyme A has been added to the acetyl group?
Acetyl coenzyme A
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What is the first reaction of the Krebs cycle?
Acetyl CoA has the CoA removed and is transferred into a four carbon compound
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What is the name of the four carbon compound formed in the first reaction of the Krebs cycle?
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What is the six carbon compound that oxaloacetate is formed into?
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The carbon dioxide produced from decarboxylations, is that a waste product?
Yes and is excreted
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Hydrogen removal is also known as...
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Which electron carrier accepts hydrogen in the last reaction of the Krebs cycle?
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What do oxidation reactions release?
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Where is the energy produced by oxidation stored?
In the electron carriers
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When is this energy stored by electron carriers released?
In the electron transport chain
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What is the energy stored by electron carriers used to make?
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What is the name of the reaction in the Krebs cycle that produces ATP?
Substrate-level phosphorylation
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How many hydrogens are removed from pyruvate in the link reaction?
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More specifically, what is energy released in oxidations used to do?
Reduce hydrogen carriers
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How many molecules of ATP are produced in the Krebs Cycle?
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Where is energy released from oxidation carried to by electron carriers?
Cristae of mitochondria (the electron carriers are produced from this energy)
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Why is it called oxidative phosphorylation?
ADP is phosphorylated to produce ATP using energy released by oxidation
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does pyruvate become if it is not oxidised?


Ethanol and carbon dioxide (yeast) or lactate (humans)

Card 3


What does pyruvate become if it can be oxidised?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where does oxidation of pyruvate take place?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the first stage of pyruvate oxidation called?


Preview of the front of card 5
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