Lincolnshire Rising

  • Created by: TessAni
  • Created on: 14-04-13 18:36
What sets of government commissioners were at work in Lincolnshire in Sept. 1536
Cromwell's to dissolve the smaller monasteries; royal commissioners assessing/collecting 1534 subsidy; Bishop Longland of Lincoln's agents enforcing the Ten Articles Act and Cromwell’s First Injunctions about the fitness/education of the clergy
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What was Longland associated with?
Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon
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What rumours began?
church jewells/plate would be impounded; gold return to mint for testing; taxes placed on horned cattle, baptisms, marriages and burials; no church allowed within five miles of another.
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What was the Subsidy Act?
Subsidy Act of 1534 around £80,000 comparatively small and affected only a few people, but many rebels claimed they could not afford it
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Where and when were rousing speeches spoken by the clergy?
1st October at Louth, Caistor and Horncastle
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Why were the people of Louth particularly inflamed? How did they act?
They were very proud of their 295-foot spire completed in 1515. the Bishop of Lincoln’s registrar, arriving to carry out a visitation of the clergy, was seized by townsfolk guarding the church treasury house
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What was the name of the leader? Nickname?
Nicholas Melton a shoemaker nicknamed Captain Cobbler
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What happened at Caistor?
3rd October the commission for subsidy was due to meet there.The commons of Louth, 3,000 strong, came in sight the commissioners turned their horses and fled and some joined the rising
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How many gentry joined and when?
4th October and 18 gentry took on leadership of the rising (gave the movement legitimacy)
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Who was murdered?
Dr Raynes Longland’s hated chancellor, and the distribution of his money and clothes **** the crowd
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What were the religious demands?
King should abandon subsidy; abbeys to be untouched; dissolution commissioners Leigh and Layton to be punished for their inquisitorial methods; the Church's ancient liberties to be restored; heretical bishops (Cranmer & Latimer) to be removed
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Two secular demands?
1536 Statute of Uses to be repealed; the 'baseborn' councillors, like Cromwell and Rich, be punished
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How many rebels? Where did they march?
40,000 rebels joined by monks from three monasteries (Barlings, Bardney and Kirkstead) marched to London
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What did the nobility do and when?
7th October Lord Hussey fled. Lord Clinton and Burgh also escaped.
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What happened at Lincoln?
New set of articles were drawn up and they occupied Lincoln Cathedral by 14th October
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How did Henry react?
The royal reply reached Lincoln on 10 October, threatening punishment if the rebels failed to disperse
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Who was gathering royal forces? Where were they? What effect did this have on the gentry rebels?
Duke of Suffolk at Stamford (forty miles away) so the rebels fled.
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What happened with the remainder of rebels?
11th October Lancaster Herald (bearer of Royal instructions) arrived and persuaded the remaining rebels to go home. By 18th October the rising can be said to be over
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Was it religious?
there was a substantial element of religious conservatism articulated by priests and monks and accepted by the commons. The banner of the Five Wounds of Christ.
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Was it also political?
Involvement of Willoughby and Dymoke as well as Nicholas Leche and Robert Aske opposed the increased influence of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (had just married Katherine Willoughby to increase land in that area)
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What retribution followed?
Over 100 death sentences for treason (57 carried out); clergy dealt with especially harshly; 14th Nov 1536 Lincolnshire received a royal pardon
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Any successes?
1540 Statute of Uses was abandoned and replaced by Statute of Wills and two Lincolnshire gentry families enjoyed some new favour William Willoughby became a peer and Edward Dymoke was appointed treasurer of Boulogne
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was Longland associated with?


Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon

Card 3


What rumours began?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the Subsidy Act?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where and when were rousing speeches spoken by the clergy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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