learning theories of personality

  • Created by: mc8g19
  • Created on: 11-02-20 11:22
what is classical conditioning
learning via association, when a previously neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus and starts to evoke a response
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when was pavlovs dogs
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what is delayed conditioning
CS occurs shortly before UCS and last together
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what is trace conditioning
CS occours and ends before UCS. UCS is therefore associated with the memory trace of CS.
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what is backward conditioning
CS occurs after UCS - this doesn't work
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what is simultaneous conditioning
when the CS and UCS occur at the same time
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what is aversion therapy
designed to eliminate behaviour by associating it with an alternate stimulus that evokes a negative response, e.g nausea with alcohol
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what is flooding
when a person is exposed to vast amount of feared stimulus, initially they will panic but will calm down when they realise there is no harm
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what is systematic desensitisation
establish a hierarchy of fears which they work through slowly until the patient is no longer fearful
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what is counter conditioning
pairing the CS that elicits fear with a stimulus that elicits a positive emotion, e.g pairing snake with presentation of ice cream
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when was garcia and knoelling
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what did garcia and knoelling do
food aversion studies. this is when you associate taste with bad experience. rats would not drink water that was associated with radiation. if given electric shock, didnt care about water but fearful of light and sound.
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what is extinction
elimination of CR when CS not followed by UCS
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what is spontaneous recovery
if CS is again followed with UCS the behaviour will be acquired much quicker than originally
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who was john watson
the founder of behaviourism, suggested personality was a collection of learned habits
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what did watson and rayner do
little albert study in 1920, conditioned baby into being scared of white rats by associating it with a large bang
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what is generalisation
response produced by a particular CS will also occur when similar stimulus is presented
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what is discrimination
involves specifically learning the difference between stimuli
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what is operant conditioning
learning via consequences, heavily influenced by conditioning experiences in real life
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what is thorndikes law of effect
responses to a situation which is followed by a rewarding state of affairs will be strengthened and become habitual responses to situation. e.g cat learns in box
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what was skinners box
placed a rat in a box, learned that pulling lever gave food pellet and pulling it would also turn of electric grid.
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what is positive reinforcement
a behaviour is followed by a favourable stimulus, that increases frequency of that behaviour being repeated again
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what is negative reinforcement
a behaviour is followed by removal of an unpleasant stimulus
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consequence that causes behaviour to occur at lower frequency
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what is continuous reinforcement
desired response reinforced every time it ocours
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what is partial reinforcement
desired response reinforced on ratio or interval. a ratio is a number of behaviour responses and an interval is the passage of time.
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what is a fixed interval
reinforced over fixed period of time
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what is a variable interval
behaviour is reinforced after unpredictable passage of time
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what is dollard and miller
they have the stimulus response model of personality, suggests personality composed mainly of learned habits. goes desire-cue to act-response-reinforcement
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Card 2


when was pavlovs dogs



Card 3


what is delayed conditioning


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Card 4


what is trace conditioning


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Card 5


what is backward conditioning


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