PP Behaviourism

We are born as a blank slate, and we learn by operant conditioning (punishment and rewards). PERSONALITY=BEHAVIOUR
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Predictor of behaviour?
Likelihood of rewards and punishments
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Motivation of personalty/behaviour?
Desire to be rewarded and avoid punishment
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Faults with Skinner's ideas?
Why is there individual differences if the environment is responsible to personality, and why is there stability in an individual's behaviour
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Social learning theory?
Personality is learned from the environmental experiences and situations, HOWEVER, there is also an emphasis on cognition (eg. thoughts and feelings)
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Basic tenet of social learning theory?
Behaviour - environmental factors - personal factors, / all connected
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Two aspects of social learning theory?
Personality develops through observational learning (modelling) and recipricol determinism
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How does the observational learning occur?
Observing actions of others and also the consequences of the actions. Perceiving what models (live and symbolic) do and can copy behaviour directly or learn/be reinforced vicariously
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Bobo doll study?
The children's behaviour modelled the adult's aggressive or non-aggressive behaviour when playing with the toy. BUT it also depended on if the model was rewarded or punished, showing vicarious reinforcement
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Grusec et al (1979)?
Children more likely to play with forbidden toy if model also does, and less likely if model resists (close groups played in between the two)
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Bandura and Mischel (1965)?
Children's opinions were effectively changed by both live model and symbolic model (in their favourite)
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How does observing others influence behaviour?
Involves: observing, evaluating, interpretating consequences, motivation, and application
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Bandura's triadic reciprocal determinism?
Behaviour - environment - personal/cognitive factors, / all connected
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Mischel's theory?
Person- situation controversy. Questioned trait theory because they should but couldn't predict behaviour. Situational factors are the best indicators of behaviour
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Greene and Saxe (1990)?
Participants scored highly on 'honesty' questionnaire, but when given tasks shown honesty was greatly influenced by circumstances. = situation is important
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Epstein (1977)?
Argues that traits are evident and stable. 1985 study showed there was strong indications of consistency over time
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Mischel's response to Epstein?
Behaviour can be consistent over time but not over situations. There is both cross-situational consistency and cross-temporal consistency
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Variability of the situation?
Both powerful VS weak situations and powerful VS weak traits can change the behaviours and personalities
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Personality and situations are NOT independent, they interact with eachother. Eg. we often choose the situations we enter (Ben & Allen, 1974)
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Behaviour may change depending on situational factors but there is always some underlying consistency
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Predictor of behaviour?


Likelihood of rewards and punishments

Card 3


Motivation of personalty/behaviour?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Faults with Skinner's ideas?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Social learning theory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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