League of Nations

What are the aims of the League?
- Achieve international peace and security - Encourage co-operation, particularly in business and trade - Improve the living and working conditions for people around the world - Encourage disarmament - To uphold and enforce the Treaty of Versailles
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What role did the Council play in the League?
- Met four times a year for emergencies - Had both permanent and non permanent members - Each member country had one vote - Decisions had to be unanimous.
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When did Germany, Italy and Japan leave the League?
Germany: 1933, Japan: 1933, Italy: 1937
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What role did the Assembly play in the League?
- Met annually - All members of the League were represented - Fixed the Budget - Each member had one vote - Decisions had to be unanimous
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What role did the Secretariat play in the League?
- Performed all the financial work of the League - Organised conferences and meetings - Kept records and prepared reports
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What was the role of the Mandates Commission?
It ensured that Britain and France acted in the interests of the people of the former colonies of Germany and her allies
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What was the role of the Refugees Committee?
It assisted in the return of refugees to their original homes after WW1
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What was the role of the Slavery Commission?
It worked to abolish slavery around the world
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What was the role of the Health Committee?
It educated people about health and sanitation and started to deal with dangerous diseases
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What action could the League take to try and solve a dispute?
- Moral Condemnation - Economic and Financial Sanctions - Military Force
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Name 4 successful 1920's border disputes and what year they occurred.
Aaland Islands, 1921 - Upper Silesia, 1921 - Mosul, 1924 - Bulgaria, 1925
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Name 2 border dispute failures of the 1920's
Poland and Lithuania over Vilna, 1920 - Italy and Greece over the Island of Corfu, 1923
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What happened in Vilna, 1920?
Poland effectively took control of the Lithuanian capital Vilna. Lithuania appealed to the League. The Poles did not withdraw, and Britain and France was not prepared to act.
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What happened in Corfu, 1923?
After an Italian General and his team were all killed while surveying the Greek-Albanian border, Mussolini got revenge by bombarding the Island of Corfu, where 15 people died. He then went to the council to change the ruling in favour of Italy.
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What were some of the achievements of the Refugee Committee?
- Produced the Nansen Report which made it easier for refugees to return home or resettle. - 400,000 PoW were returned home.- Refugee camps created due to the war in Turkey in 1922, smallpox and cholera was quickly stamped out by the League.
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What were some of the achievements of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) ?
- Banned hite lead from paint - Limited the hours that small children were allowed to work -It was seen as influential and was a step forward in the sense that many abuses were not even known about before the ILO exposed them. .
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What were some of the achievements of the Health Committee?
- They sponsored research into institutes in Singapore, London, and Denmark. These institutes helped to develop vaccines against deadly diseases. - It started a global campaign to exterminate mosquitoes, which great reduces cases of malaria
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What were some social achievements of the League in the 1920's?
- The League blacklisted four large German, Dutch, French and Swiss companies which were involved in the illegal drug trade. - It brought about the freeing of 200,000 slaves in Sierra Leone.
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What happened at the Geneva Protocol of 1924?
- Britain and France drew up the Geneva protocol in 1924, saying that if two members were in dispute the League must sort it out and they must accept the council's decision. - However, Britain's new Conservative government refused to sign it.
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Why was disarmament a failure in the 1920's?
- Nobody wanted to drop their weapons first in fear of sudden attacks and ambushes from other countries. -This failure brought harm to the League's reputation, however, the International Agreements of the 1920's promised a more peaceful world.
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What was the Washington Conference of 1921?
- USA, Britain, France and Japan agreed to limit the size of their navies.
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What was the Rapallo Treaty of 1922?
- The USSR and Germany re-established diplomatic relations.
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What was the Dawes Plan of 1924?
- To avert a terrible economic crisis in Germany, the USA lent Germany some money to help it to pay its reparations bill.
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What were the Locarno Treaties of 1925?
- It provided a juridical framework for avoiding wars and border conflicts in Europe. It was when Germany accepted its western borders as set out in the Treaty of Versailles. This was greeted with great enthusiasm.
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What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?
- 65 nations agreed not to use force to settle disputes.
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What was the Young Plan of 1929?
- The plan that reduced Germany's reparations payments.
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What were the main failures of the 1930's?
Manchuria 1931-33, Disarmament 1932-34, Abyssinia 1935-36
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Briefly describe the Manchurian Crisis.
Japan had suffered greatly from the Great Depression. They needed food and raw materials. They chose to invade China because it was weak in power and in resources. After an entire year, the Lytton report was presented and found Japan to be bad guy.
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What was Japan's response to the League's ruling?
The League morally condemned Japan but took no further action. Japan left the League and continued its invasion. The League was powerless and Japan got away with blatant aggression.
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What were the consequences of the Manchurian crisis?
- Hitler and Mussolini looked on with interest. Within 3 years they would both follow Japan's example. - Japan continued to invade, reaching deep into China's Jehol Province.
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Why did Disarmament fail in the 1930's?
By this time, all the powers knew that Hitler was secretly rearming Germany already, so they also began to build their arms as well. - Each country was looking after itself and ignoring the League.
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Why was the failure disarmament more significant in the 1930's than in the 1920's?
In the 1930's, Germany used the failure of disarmament as an excuse for its rapid and risky rearmament programme.
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Briefly describe the Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia.
In October 1935, Mussolini launched a full-scale invasion of Abyssinia. Britain and France ended up going behind the Leagues back to sign a pact with Italy hoping to stop the invasion without risking their own resources.
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What was the Hoare-Laval Pact of 1935?
It was a secret deal that France and Britain tried to negotiate with Italy behind the League's back. This aimed to give Mussolini 2/3's of Abyssinia in return for calling off the invasion. This was leaked to the press and was seen as treachery.
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How did the Hoare-Laval Pact affect the outcome of Manchuria?
- Hoare and Laval were both sacked. - The sanctions discussions lost all momentum. - Mussolini has already taken large parts of Abyssinia before the League could do anything.
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What were the outcomes of the Abyssinian Invasion?
- On May 9th, Mussolini had formally annexed the entire country.
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Why was March 7th 1935 important?
Hitler marched his troops into the Rhineland. Hope that the French would support sanctions against Italy was now dead. The French were desperate to gain the support of Mussolini. even prepared to pay the price of giving Abyssinia.
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What were the implications for the League after the Abyssinian Invasion?
- The league watched helplessly. They had failed. It had proven to Hitler that it was in no position to stop him from getting what he wants.
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What were some of the effects of the Economic Depression?
- Unemployment was high - Some countries had to bring in tariffs to stop imports, in an attempt to protect industries. - Many countries began to re-arm as a solution to the unemployment.
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What was the Stresa Pact of 1935?
- The Stresa Pact, 1935, was signed between Hoare, Laval and Italy, It was formed in response to unite against Germany’s re-armament policies.
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How did the effects of the Economic Depression affect the League?
- Countries put their self interest over the League's, in military and economic sanctions. - America did not want to support sanctions as it would affect their economy greatly. - Made Japan and Italy invade other countries. - Hitler rose to power.
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What does FAILURE stand for?
- French and British self-interest - Absent Powers - Ineffective sanctions - Lack of Armed Forces - Unfair Treaty - Reaching decisions too slowly - Economic Depression
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What role did the Council play in the League?


- Met four times a year for emergencies - Had both permanent and non permanent members - Each member country had one vote - Decisions had to be unanimous.

Card 3


When did Germany, Italy and Japan leave the League?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What role did the Assembly play in the League?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What role did the Secretariat play in the League?


Preview of the front of card 5
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