Leadership skills

What are the key traits of a transformational leader?
Inspires and motivates team members
Encourages innovation and creativity
Fosters a positive team environment
Leads by example
1 of 5
How does a leader demonstrate emotional intelligence?
By being self-aware and recognizing their own emotions
By managing their emotions effectively
By being empathetic towards team members
By handling interpersonal relationships judiciously
2 of 5
What is the importance of effective communication in leadership?
Ensures clarity and direction
Builds trust and rapport
Engages and involves team members
Prevents misunderstandings and conflicts
3 of 5
Name three conflict resolution strategies for leaders.
Active listening to understand all perspectives
Collaborative problem-solving to find a win-win solution
Mediation to facilitate a fair discussion between parties
4 of 5
What role does adaptability play in leadership?
Helps navigate change and uncertainty
Allows for flexible decision-making
Encourages continuous learning and growth
Supports innovation in response to new challenges
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does a leader demonstrate emotional intelligence?


By being self-aware and recognizing their own emotions
By managing their emotions effectively
By being empathetic towards team members
By handling interpersonal relationships judiciously

Card 3


What is the importance of effective communication in leadership?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name three conflict resolution strategies for leaders.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What role does adaptability play in leadership?


Preview of the front of card 5


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