Latin Chapter Three

1st/2nd declension adjectives
adjectives explain/ modifies a noun
EG "good"--> "bonus"
adjectives typically have all 3 genders
adjectives decline much like nouns
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1st/2nd declension adjectives
bonus, bona, bonum
stem: bon-
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noun/ adjective agreement
usually adjectives are placed after the noun
BUT adjectives suggesting size/quantity often preceed the noun
EG femina bona= good woman
multum aurum= much gold
when a noun is modified by multiple adjectives, et or -que is used to connect them
EG vir magnus
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substantive use of adjective
sometimes an adjective stands alone
occuring when the adjective is used substantively (as a noun)
when translated into english they are used alongside woman/men/things depending on the gender of a noun
EG laetus bonam amat= the happy man loves the good wo
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predicate adjective
like nouns, adjects may appear with copulative verbs
it must agree with the noun it modifies (case, number, gender)
EG liber est malus(pa)= the book is bad
mīserī (pa) erant servī= miserable were the slave (the slaves were miserable)
puerōs iubēbō esse bo
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passive voice
verbs in passive occurs when the subject doesn't perform the action of the verb rather recieves it
EG the master summons the slave (active)
the master is summoned by the slaves (passive)
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present passive indicitive of 1st & 2nd conjugation
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imperfect passive indicitive of 1st & 2nd conjugation
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future passive indicitive of 1st & 2nd conjugation
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ablative of personal agent
preoposition ā/ab followed by a noun in accusative case is frequently used with passive verbs to expresss the agent by whom the action of the verb is done
ā/ab translated to "by"
EG filius ā rēginā vocābātur= the son by the queen was being summoned (the s
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the use of habeō in passive
habeō turns into "to be considered"
it takes the predicate nominative or the predicate adjective in the nom case
EG deus vir habētur= a god the man is considered (the man is considered a god)
bona habēbantur cōsilia fēminārum= good were being considered t
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the use of videō in passive
veideō turns into "seem"
it takes the predicate nominative or the predicate adjective in the nom case
EG dea femina esse videtur= a goddess the woman to be seems (the woman seems to be a goddess)
miser rēgīnae poēta vidētur= wretched to the queen the poet
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ablative of manner
nouns in abl case expresses the way/msnner in how an action is performed
when a noun is in the abl of manner it doesn't need an adjective to modify it --> the preposition "cum" (with) must be used
a reg abl noun + adjective is iptional to use cum
EG agric
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subjective infinitive
an indeclinable verbal noun in nueter sing
may be used as the subject of another ver
EG bonum esr labōrāre= good is to work (to work is good---> working is good)
pulchrum est patriam amāre= beautiful is the country to love ( to love the country is beauti
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sometimes a noun recieves further definition/ limitation from another noun next to it (often in commas)
the 2nd noun is called an apposition
needs to be the same case as the other noun
EG rēgīna, fēmina bona et magna, patriam Italiam amat = the queen, a g
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


1st/2nd declension adjectives


bonus, bona, bonum
stem: bon-

Card 3


noun/ adjective agreement


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


substantive use of adjective


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


predicate adjective


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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