Language and Power Theories

Steven Pinker - Types of Swearing
Emphatic, Idiomatic, Dysphemistic, Abusive, Cathartic. Show dominance and can be used to offend
1 of 15
Paul Grice - Co-operative Principle
Quality, quantity, relevance, manner. Talking too much shows power
2 of 15
Geoffrey Leech - Politeness Principles
Generosity, Tact, Approbation, Modesty, Sympathy, agreement. Going against these can be offensive and show power
3 of 15
Alan Fiske - Relationship Types
Dominance, Reciprocal, Communality
4 of 15
Goffman - Face Theory
Conversations need politeness - power gained by not saving face
5 of 15
Brown and Levinson - FTA
Face Threatening Acts show power
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Michael Halliday - Register
Language choices can show who is dominant in the conversation
7 of 15
Howard Giles - Accommodation Theory
Speech changes to be more similar to the person with the power in the conversation
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Jesperson and Lakoff - Deficit Theory
Women use weaker language than men, and become powerful
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Zimmerman, West, Fishman and Spender - Dominance Theory
Language is based around male dominance and men denying equal status to women
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O'Barr, Atkins, Cameron, and Beattie - Dynamic Theory
Language depends on power variables, not just gender
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Tannen and Coates - Difference Theory
Males are encouraged from a young age to be confrontational whereas women are passive
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Norman Fairclough - Unequal Encounters
People rarely talk as equals in a hierarchal society
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Drew and Heritage - Talk at Work
Workplace interactions are asymmetrical
14 of 15
Coulthard and Sinclaire - Classroom Interactions
Initiation, Response, Feedback. All interactions initiated and controlled by the teacher
15 of 15

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Card 2


Quality, quantity, relevance, manner. Talking too much shows power


Paul Grice - Co-operative Principle

Card 3


Generosity, Tact, Approbation, Modesty, Sympathy, agreement. Going against these can be offensive and show power


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Dominance, Reciprocal, Communality


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Conversations need politeness - power gained by not saving face


Preview of the back of card 5
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