Korean War stalemate

  • Created by: HarryS02
  • Created on: 08-06-20 14:45
When was the stalemate in Korea?
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What caused the military stalemate in 1951?
Sides could not defeat eachother. US/UN/ROK had better tech and weaponry. DPRK/USSR/CPVA had inexhaustible supply of men
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Would the US use all out force to end the stalemate?
No, Ridgeway's replacement (Clark) wanted to BUT Washington opposed, MAD
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Why did the US want peace?
33,000 deaths. $30bn. 14.1% of GDP
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Why did the British want peace?
opposed war aims. non-aligned reputation. pressure from non0aligned to end.
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Why did China want peace?
concentrate on domestic problems. economy suffering. hundreds of thousands of deaths.
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Why did the USSR want peace?
To decrease the risk of war. Create tensions between western allies
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Why did Kim Il Sung want peace?
North suffering economically. Huge food shortages. Many men died.
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Why did China prolong the peace talks?
Wanted peace if US backed down 7th fleet, US/Un forces backed down, China gained UN seat
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Why and how did the US prolong peace talks?
US responded through the UN, called China the aggressor, China offensive failed in 1951
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What were the general reasons for failed peace talks?
Negotiators were all military men. China rejected peace principles, more fighting. 1951, Us begin killing policy to kill as many opposition as possible
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What was the disagreement over POW?
US didnt want to return POW who didnt want to return. China demanded they were all returned --> led to more fighting as decision was not reached
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What did the US do in 1952 to make China agree to peace negotiations?
Escalated bombing on North Korea, made China pull through with negotiations BUT this had little effect, Mao even less inclined.
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What happened in 1552 that led to eventual peace?
Truman replaced Eisenhower and Stalin died. No more reputations to battle with.
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Card 2


What caused the military stalemate in 1951?


Sides could not defeat eachother. US/UN/ROK had better tech and weaponry. DPRK/USSR/CPVA had inexhaustible supply of men

Card 3


Would the US use all out force to end the stalemate?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the US want peace?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did the British want peace?


Preview of the front of card 5
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