Keywords research methods

  • Created by: Natasha
  • Created on: 10-04-13 11:01
A form of reliability referring to the ability to recreate a study using the same conditions and hopefully get the same results
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Inter-observer reliability
Results from each of the observers are recorded and compared by taking the total agreements and dividing by the total number of observations
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Self report technique: internal reliability
The extent to which the measure used in consistent within it self
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Self report technique: external reliability
The extent to which a measure is consistent across multiple occasions
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Self report technique: inter-interviewer reliability
The extent to which different interviewers produce similar results
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Self report technique: split-half method
A questionnaire that is designed in such a way that on section has questions that mirror the second section. Results are then compared between these two sections to check they agree with each other. This is a measure of internal reliability
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Self report technique: test- retest method
A person is tested/questioned on two occasions and the two sets of results are compared for consistency
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Causes a lab experiment to lack validity
The experiment is so controlled that is cannot be applied to real life, therefore lacking external validity
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Ecological validity
External validity
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Observer bias
The person conducting the research allows their behavior to impact on the participant, thereby changing their behaviour
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Face validity
How obvious is it that the test is actually measuring the thing you set out to measure?
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Concurrent validity
The new measure's results are compared with the results of the established measure to see if they are consistent
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Field experiment
An experiment conducted in a more natural enviroment. Extraneous variables may be controlled but probably not as well as in a lab experiment
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Laboratory experiment
Highly controlled experiment. Usually high in internal validity but less likely to have high external validity
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Experimental design - repeated measures
A single group is used in the experiment and they are required to carry out each level of the IV
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Experimental design: independent groups design
A group of participants for each level of the IV
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Natural experiment
The IV for the experiment is pre-existing and not created artificially by the experimenter. There are issues of reliability, casual relationships and validity that usually need to be addressed or considered
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Self-report methods - questionaires
A set of questions that can be issued to participants with out having an experimenter present
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Self report methods - unstructured interview
A way of gathering data that allows the researcher to change the course of the questioning depending on the participants response
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Self-report methods -open/closed questions
Questioning that allows for in-depth responses vs questions that are restricted
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Observational study
Can include time sampling and event samplin and often requires behaviours to be placed into cateogires due to the wealth of information available
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Correlational analysis
These data have to be numeric in nature as the relationship between them is assessed. A positive relationship shows that as one variable increases so too does the other. A negative relationship increase in one variable and other decreases
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Case study
Usually longitudinal when dealing with a single person or institution but it could be a single event. A range of techniques could be used to gather data
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Experimental design - matched pairs
Participants in one group are matched with participants i n another group on key factors such as age, gender, intelligence etc
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Results from each of the observers are recorded and compared by taking the total agreements and dividing by the total number of observations


Inter-observer reliability

Card 3


The extent to which the measure used in consistent within it self


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The extent to which a measure is consistent across multiple occasions


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The extent to which different interviewers produce similar results


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