Key Words Quiz

This will test you on key words from the Germany Depth Study topic - stuff like Life in Nazi Germany.

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 18-02-13 15:39
Name given to the Nazi regime of 1933-1945.
Third Reich
1 of 15
The 'People's Community', designed so people saw thier lives as less important than thier contribution to Germany.
2 of 15
To opress/harass a certain group of people (like Jews were persecuted by Nazis).
3 of 15
DAF: All workers had to be part of this organisation, which replaced trade unions. Many hated the interference.
German Labour Front
4 of 15
State secret police under command of Himmler, who led the **. These police spied on people.
5 of 15
Getting rid of something or a group of people.
6 of 15
Pretext used by Nazis for imprisoning political opponents or opposition groups, suggesting these groups would be harmful of released.
Preventative Detention
7 of 15
Helped Jewish people escape arrest by the Nazis and generally opposed the Nazis ideas.
Pastor Grueber
8 of 15
Middle class youths who wanted to dance and listen to music (like black jazz). Harsh punishments were given for participation.
Swing Youth
9 of 15
Believed Christianity couldn't accept Nazi racist views (they preached against them and campaigned against the Nuremburg Laws. Participated in Op. 7 to help Jews escape Germany. He succeeded but was arrested.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer & Operation 7
10 of 15
Army officer and organiser of the July Bomb Plot, which failed so he was executed.
Von Stauffenberg
11 of 15
An experiment to make difficult families more useful members of society - it failed.
12 of 15
'National Political Institutes for Education'. These were schools controlled by the ** to educate future leaders for the government and army through military-style education.
13 of 15
In 1933, agreement where Hitler promised Catholics colud carry on religiously and thier schools would be left alone. In return, the Pope promised to stay out of Politics.
14 of 15
Special groups of ** soldiers who were sent to murder all Jews they could find in 1941.
15 of 15

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Card 2


The 'People's Community', designed so people saw thier lives as less important than thier contribution to Germany.



Card 3


To opress/harass a certain group of people (like Jews were persecuted by Nazis).


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Card 4


DAF: All workers had to be part of this organisation, which replaced trade unions. Many hated the interference.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


State secret police under command of Himmler, who led the **. These police spied on people.


Preview of the front of card 5
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