Key dates for Cold War causes

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 29-12-14 13:41
What month was the Yalta conference?
1 of 13
What dates in July and August was the Potsdam conference
17 July - 2 August
2 of 13
What date was the dropping of Hiroshima
6 August
3 of 13
In 1946, what were the two months that held: Long Telegram and Iron Curtain
February March
4 of 13
What two months in 1947 were Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
March June
5 of 13
What month was the Czechoslovakian coup?
6 of 13
What date/month was the severing of links starting the Berlin Blockade?
24 June
7 of 13
What month and year was NATO established?
April 1949
8 of 13
What month/year did the communists take over China?
September 1949
9 of 13
What date did the north Koreans invade the south?
25 June
10 of 13
What year was the NSC-68?
11 of 13
What date was the Cominform created?
23 September
12 of 13
What month/year was the Comecon?
January 1949
13 of 13

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Card 2


What dates in July and August was the Potsdam conference


17 July - 2 August

Card 3


What date was the dropping of Hiroshima


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In 1946, what were the two months that held: Long Telegram and Iron Curtain


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What two months in 1947 were Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan


Preview of the front of card 5
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