Key roles in healthcare - pg 56

  • Created by: danpurdy1
  • Created on: 02-10-17 12:43
What are the key roles in healthcare called?
Doctors (GPs), Specialist doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Healthcare assistant , Occupational therapists
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What do doctors (GPs) do?
Provide medical care for patients
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Where do doctors (GPs) work?
Mainly in surgeries and local communities
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What are the three main roles of a doctor?
Diagnose/treat/prevent illness, Provide prescriptions, Refer patients to other proffesionals
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What do specialist doctors have?
Expert training in particular areas
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Where do specialist doctors work?
Mainly in hospitals and clinics
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What are the three main roles of a specialist doctor?
Diagnose/treat/prevent illness in specialist areas, Liaise with other professionals, Contribute to ongoing patient care
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What could a specialist doctor specialise in?
Anything e.g Cardiology (heart), Oncology (cancer), Pediatrics (children), Geriatrics (Elderly)
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What are nurses trained to do?
Carry out their duties at their level
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Where do nurses work?
Mainly hospitals, surgeries, clinics, homes
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What could a nurse be a specialist in?
Critical care nursing, Cardiac, Nursing, Surgical care
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Where do midwives work?
Mainly in hospital maternity units, Clinics, Homes
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What are the three main roles of a midwife?
Monitor health of babies and mother, help deliver babies, provide support after birth
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What are healthcare assistants trained to help with?
Daily personal care and to support wellbeing
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Where do healthcare assistants work?
Mainly in hospitals, Clinics, Residential care, Homes
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What are the three main roles of a healthcare assistant?
Work under the guidance of qualified professionals, Meet care needs, Monitor health
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What does an occupational therapist do?
Facilitate recover and overcome practical barriers
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Where do occupational therapists work?
Mainly in hospitals, Clinics, Residential care, Homes
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What are the two responsibilities of an occupational therapist?
Identify issues people may have with everyday life, Help people work out practical solution
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do doctors (GPs) do?


Provide medical care for patients

Card 3


Where do doctors (GPs) work?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the three main roles of a doctor?


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Card 5


What do specialist doctors have?


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