What are the 4 aspects of the role of the Health and safety executive?
- Spot checks
- Carrying out investigations if incidents occur
- Issuing improvement notices
- Issuing fines for not following legislations
1 of 57
What are the 5 key aspects og the HASAWA 1974?
- The working environment must not put anyone at risk
- The equipment provided must be in safe and working order
- Employers must provide adequate health and safety training for all staff
- A written policy should be provided
- PPE must be provided free o
2 of 57
What are the employer responsabilities according to the HASAWA 1974?
- Risk assessments
- Provide PPE
- Fire/evacuation equipment and training
- regularly updated health and safety training
- Display the health and safety law poster
- Safety check equipment and electricals
- Have a policy that staff are aware of and anyone
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What are the employee responsabiities according to the HASAWA 1974?
- Follow regulations and cooperate with employers
- Report and hazards
- Do not tamper/misuse provided equipment
- Take care of themselves and others
- Wear PPE provided
- Take part in provided training
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What are the 3 responsabilities identified by the Management of HASAW Regulations 1999?
- Risk assessments carried out and any needed control measures are implemented
- A manager of health and safety is appointed who is competent to deal with emergencies
- Info, training and supervision is provided so activities can be carried out safely
5 of 57
Identify the 4 key aspects of the Food Safety Act 1990.
- Safe preparation, storage and serving of food
- Registration of food businesses
- The CQC requires care services to ensure food and drink is handled in a way that meets requirements of the legislation
- Environmental health officers can close premeses
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What impact does the Food Safety Act 1990 have on care settings?
- Employees have high standards of personal hygiene
- Employees provided with training
- Food stored correctly
- Meals prepared, cooked and served safely and hygienically
- Food provided must be safe to eat
- Records of where food is from must be kept so
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What are the key aspects of the Food Safety Regulations 1992?
- Food safety hazards are identified
- Safety controls should be in place, maintained and reviewed
- The use of suitable PPE
- Supervision/adequate training to the appropriate levels should be provided
- Clean and a good working environment
- Adequate wa
8 of 57
What impact does the Food Safety Regulations 1992 have on care settings?
- The use of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) to identify hazards in (packaging) containers, surfaces, processing equipment, cookware and personal hygiene
- Controls and procedures regularly reviewed
- Preparation areas are well maintai
9 of 57
What are the key aspects of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992?
- Avoid manual handling as much as possible
- Assess the risk of injury if manual handling is unavoidable
- Take action to reduce the risk of injury as much as possible
- Employers must provide information, training and supervision for safe manual handli
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What is the impact of the MHOR 1992 on care settings?
- Training must be provided
- Risk assess any manual handling activities
- Employees should only use equipment they have been trained to use
- Reduce the risk of injury
- Reduce the need for staff to manual handle
- Lifts should be planned and practiced
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How do you lift something correctly?
- Feet apart
- Bend the knees
- Keep the back straight
- Lean slightly forward to get a good grip
- Lift smoothly
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What should all manual handling training include?
- Information about risk factors and how injuries can occur
- Techniques to carry out manual handling safely
- How to use mechanical aids
- Practical work to allow staff to correct mistakes and identify anything being done incorrectly
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What records doess RIDDOR 2013 require an employer to keep or report to the HSE?
- Accidents in the workplace that could cause death or serious injury
- Diagnosed cases of work-related diseases
- Incidents that have the potential to cause harm
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What records must be kept according to RIDDOR 2013?
- Any incident, occupational disease or dangerous occurrence that requires reporting
- Any other incident that has resulted in a worker being away from work for more than 7 days
15 of 57
What is an accident book and what should it contain?
- Records incidents that result in more than 3 days off work
- The date, time and place of the incident
- Who was involved and a summary of the incident
- Details of injuries or illnesses that occurred
16 of 57
What does keeping records of incidents enable employers to do?
- Collect info to help manage risks
- Use info to aid in risk assessments
- Develop solutions to potential risks
- Help prevent injuries
- Help control costs from accidental loss/fines
17 of 57
What are the 12 notifiable diseases that are required by law to be reported?
- Anthrax
- Food poisoning
- Hepatitis
- Legionella
- Malaria
- Measles
- Meningitis
- Salmonella
- Tetanus, typhoid
- Tuberculosis, typhus
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What are the 8 key principles of the Data Protection Act 1998?
- Data has to be processed fairly and lawfully
- Used only for the intended purposes
- Adequate and relevant but not excessive
- Accurate and up to date
- Kept for no longer than necessary
- Processed in line with the individual's rights
- Secured
- Not t
19 of 57
What is the Civil Continencies Act 2004?
- Establises a set of roles and responsibilties for those involved in emergency preparation
- NHS and emergency services can be involved
- Plans in place in case of emergencies
- Requires risk assessments to plan for large emergencies
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What types of events need plans in place?
- Explosions/suspicious packages
- Extreme weather events/conditions
- Fire/flooding
- Release of hazardous materials
- Major transport incidents
- Infectious disease outbreaks/pandemic
- Power/utility failure
- Terrorist events
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What are the main contingency plans?
- Major incident plans
- Plans for the management of mass casualties
- shelter and evacuation plans
- fire, police and health service response plans
- lockdowns/controlled-access plans
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What is a hazardous substance?
- Bodily fluids
- Cleaning products
- Medications
- Used dressings
- Clinical waste
- Soiled laundry
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What are the key points of the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health?
- Covers the storage, labelling and disposal of hazardous substances
- Must have a COSHH file listing all substances in the workplace
- Up to date COSHH file
- Chemicals/medicine kept in original containers with appropriate safety caps and lids
- Stored
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What information should be kept in a COSHH file?
- Name and identify the hazardous substance
- State where the substance is kept
- identify the meaning of labels on the containers
- Describe the effects of the substance
- State the maximum amount of time that is safe to be exposed to the substance
- Des
25 of 57
What is saafeguarding and why is it needed?
- The measures taken to protect people's health, wellbeing and rights which protects them from harm, abuse and neglect
- It is needed to protect vulnerable people such as those with disibilities, people with imparments, people who lack the mental capacity
26 of 57
Why might people not want to report their concerns?
- May be unable to or be scared to
- Dependant on carers so do not want to upset them in fear that their treatment will get worse
- May not realise or understand they are being abused
- May not be able to see or hear it
- May not have anyone they can trus
27 of 57
What does safeguarding children involve?
- Protection from maltreatment
- Prevention of impairment of their health and development
- ensuring children grow up in a stable home with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children have the best possible outcomes
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What are common safeguarding issues in adult care envronments?
- Maladministration of medications
- Pressure sores or falls
- Rough treatment or institutionalised care
- Poor nutritional care
- Lack of social inclusion
- Physical abuse between residents or staff and a resident
- Financial abuse
29 of 57
What is a DBS check?
- Disclosure and Barring service checks
- Makes sure anyone over 16 is safe to work with children and vulnerable adults
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What are the 3 types of DBS checks?
- Standard = checks convictions, cautions, reprimands and final warnings
- Enhanced = same as standard as well as any relevant info held by the police
- Enhanced with list checks = same as enhanced and checks the Barred List
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What is the Barred List?
- List of individuals deemed unsuitable to work with children and vulnerable adults
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What influences have legislation had on staff in terms of safeguarding?
- Allows protection from harm
- Introduced the Care Act 2014 which includes safeguarding adults
- The Childen Act 2004 encourages protecting children
- Working Together to Safeguard Children Act 2015 gives guidance on safeguarding and promoting the welfa
33 of 57
What influences have legislation had on staff in terms of health and safety?
- Employees have the responsibility for the safety of themselves and others
- Should follow systems in place for their safety
- Should cooperate with employees on health and safety matters
- Ensure activities do not put others at risk
- Inform employers
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What influences have legislation had on staff in terms of training?
- Training is required that is relevant to their job role to ensure they have all the relevant skills and knowledge
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What influences have legislation had on premises?
- Regular checks and safe foods
- Risk assessments are required
- Health and safety law -> clear, signposted fire exits and safety equipment and alarms
- Equality Act 2010 -> adaptions for disabled people and those who need it
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What influences have legislation had on practices?
- Risk assessed activities
- Regularly updated COSHH file
- Reporting work-related accidents
- Protection of data
- Risk assessed staff that are trained properly
- Managers should develop policies
- Safeguarding training and relevant training
- Child-teac
37 of 57
What are the steps to effectively manage health and safety according to the HSE?
- Leadership and the setting of standards by management
- Trained employees
- A trusting and supportive environment
- Understanding the specific risks in a particular workplace
38 of 57
Why is it important to have effective controls in place?
- To avoid injuries, illnesses and incidents
- To minimise or eliminate any health and safety risks
- To help employers to provide workers with safe and healthy working conditions
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What are the reasons for carrying out risk assessments?
- legal requirement -> keep written evidence
- staff, service users and visitors have a right to be protected and kept safe from harm
- Assessments check what would be a potential risk to people using the setting
- Staff, service users and visitors will f
40 of 57
What is the purpose of a risk assessment?
- To check equipment is safe and fit for purpose
- Ensure the building itself is safe
- Identify potential dangers
- Work out what can go wrong in an activity
- How much supervision is needed
- Identify ways of controlling and minimising risks
- Ensure a
41 of 57
How do you carry out a risk assessment?
1- Look for hazards associated with the activity
2- Identify who might be harmed and how
3- Consider the level of risk
4- Make a written reccord of the findings
5- Review it regularly to improve precautions or control measures if needed
42 of 57
Why are risk assessments important?
- Legal requirement for settings with more than 5 employees and must be recorded
- Purpose is to reduce the risk of harm to anyone using the setting
- Staff must identify risks and hazards in the workplace or on visits
- Actions are taken for identified h
43 of 57
How would you ensure people would get out of a building safely in a given setting?
Healthcare: PEEPs, fire doors/drils/alarms, evacuation routes, extra staff to assist, horisontal evacuation plans
Social care: PEEPs, fire doors/drills/alarms, evacuation routes, extra staff to assist
Childcare: PEEPs, fire doors/drills/alarms, evacuatio
44 of 57
Asbestos 'duty to manage' holders have to maintain any asbestos in buildings they manage. How would they do it?
- Find out if asbestos is present
- Make a record of location, type and condition of the asbestos
- Assess the risk of anyone being exposed
- Plan to manage the risks
- Put the plan in action, monitor and update it
- Provide this information to anyone who
45 of 57
What procedures should be followed in terms of safety on transport?
- Insured and liscenced
- Up to date with service and maintinence
- Parental consent forms
- Risk assessments and control measures
- First aid provision
- Impacts of poor or hot weather
- Staff to student/child/resident ratios
- Seat belts
- Emergency con
46 of 57
What procedures should be in place around electrical safety?
- Regular PAT testing on electricals
- How to report damage and to whom
- Staff make frequent visual checks for: damage to cables and plugs, broken socket covers, damaged or worn equipment, overloaded sockets and the use of extension cables
47 of 57
What are the main policies and procedures around safeguarding?
- A named person responsible fo safeguarding
- All staff must be DBS checked
- All staff must have safeguarding training
- All staff must know the potential indicators for abuse
- Reporting system for any abuse concerns
- ways in place to minimise potenti
48 of 57
What are some of the food safety policies which help prevent harm to service users?
- Clean work surfaces and equipment
- wash fruit and veg
- use correct coloured chopping boards
- use correct food storage methods
- cook food thoroughly to kill bacteria
- cover food up
- Serve food as soon as cooked
- Clean with warm water and soap the
49 of 57
How would you dispose of hazardous waste correctly?
- Clinical waste or dressings = yellow bags or burnt
- Bodily fluids = flushed down a toilet
- Medications = taken to the local pharmacy
- Needles/sharps = yellow box/local council
- Soiled linen = red bags and directly into washing machines (bags dissolv
50 of 57
What policies should staff be aware of when handling medications?
- Ordering
- Recieving
- Storing
- Administering
- Recording
- Transfer
- Disposal
51 of 57
What are the key risks of lone working?
- Often work at all hours
- Social workers take children from homes so emotional trauma
- May be attacked for mistaken identity
- Personal care staff are often on foot with regular routines so they are vulnerable to assault
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What are some of the procedures surrounding lone working?
- Telling colleagues where you are going and when you will be back
- Carrying a personal alarm
- Carrying a basic mobile phone - less target for theft
- Taking self-defense training
- Training on appropriate response to an attack
- Parking cars in well-li
53 of 57
What can be involved in a mobile-phone lone worker system?
- Employees leave a message detailing the visit and expected time it will take
- Message goes to a central computer
- If employee not called at expected time, management get alerted and then police
- Emergency button on phones that connect to reception. E
54 of 57
What policies and procedures should be in place to monitor security in a care setting?
- ID lanyards for staff
- Electronic security pads with pins
- Locking external doors and locked windows
- Staff reception desks and escorting visitors
- CCTV monitoring entrances
- Monitoring of keys
- Issuing visitor badges
55 of 57
What things shouls policies be in place for?
- Asbestos
- Reporting of accidents
- Chemical/biological health hazards
- Disposal of hazardous waste
- Lone working
- Electrical and fire safety
- Transport/risk assessments
- Food safety/safeguarding
- Health and safety management systems
- Security of
56 of 57
Why is reviewing policies needed?
- Ensure they reflect legislation changes
- Keep them up to date
- Identify any issues that need adressing
- Check they meet the settings needs and aims
- Develop new policies
- Check policies are implemented effectively
- Check policies are fit for purpo
57 of 57

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 5 key aspects og the HASAWA 1974?


- The working environment must not put anyone at risk
- The equipment provided must be in safe and working order
- Employers must provide adequate health and safety training for all staff
- A written policy should be provided
- PPE must be provided free o

Card 3


What are the employer responsabilities according to the HASAWA 1974?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the employee responsabiities according to the HASAWA 1974?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the 3 responsabilities identified by the Management of HASAW Regulations 1999?


Preview of the front of card 5
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