Key Concepts (Higher Tier)

  • Created by: lx1234
  • Created on: 12-02-18 18:17
What does the Cell Membrane do?
Controls what enters and leaves the cell
1 of 11
What is a prokaryotic cell?
A cell with no nucleus
2 of 11
What subcellular structures do Bacteria have?
Ribosomes, Plasmid DNA, Loop of chromosomal DNA, Cell membrane, Flagellum and Cell wall.
3 of 11
How is an Egg Cell adapted to its function?
Membrane changes after fertilisation to prevent more sperm entering and it contains nutrients in its cytoplasm to supply growing embryo with supplements, has a haploid nucleus.
4 of 11
How do you calculate Magnification?
Image Size (I)/ Actual Size (R)
5 of 11
What is the best pH called at which an Enzyme will work at?
Optimum pH
6 of 11
What happens if an Enzyme Amylase is placed in temperatures of 50 degrees?
It will denature
7 of 11
Where is the enzyme protease found?
Stomach, Pancreas and Small Intestine
8 of 11
What is Osmosis?
The overall net movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
9 of 11
What is Diffusion?
The overall net movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration
10 of 11
What is Active Transport?
The overall net movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to high concentration
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a prokaryotic cell?


A cell with no nucleus

Card 3


What subcellular structures do Bacteria have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How is an Egg Cell adapted to its function?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you calculate Magnification?


Preview of the front of card 5
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good, quite helpful



really great, it overviews on the basics and helps to solidify that knowledge in.

Good job :)

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