AS History: Kennedy and Vietnam (Flashcards)

  • Created by: sade
  • Created on: 17-04-13 11:43
Why was the cold war a reason for the increasing Kennedy's involvement in Vietnam?
Because due to Truman's 'loss of china' the democratic party had the reputation of be ing "soft" on communism Kennedy went to prove these claims wrong.
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What happened in the Cuba Missile?
Kennedy supported a CIA iniative to overthrow the communist government. CIA backed invasion of the Bay of Pigs
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When did the Bay Of Pigs take place?
April 1961
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For Kennedy was it a failure or a success?
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So why did Cuba Missile motivate Kennedy to add more involvement?
Because he wanted to restore his reputation as the 'cold war warrior' by standing up to communism in Vietnam.
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What Theory of Eisenhower did Kennedy believe in?
The Domino Theory
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What was the domino theory?
The belief that the fall of any one state to communism in south-east Asia would inevitably lead to the spread of communism
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Why did Kennedy view Ho Chi Minh as an enemy?
Because Minh being a communist, was boung to work with either Russia or China so therefore viewed him as an enemy of the cold war and did not want to negotiate with him.
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Who was Ho Chi Minh?
A vietnamese communist revolutionary leader as well as being president of north Vietnam.
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What title did Mcnamara hold?
US defence secretary.
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What solutions did Macnamara believe to be a solution to the problems of South Vietnam?
Military solutions as he was convinced that the USA could defeat communism in vietnam due to the superiority of the US military.
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Who was Dean Rusk?
US secretary of state
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What did he advise Kennedy?
That the US should not appease communist aggression. As well as this supported Mcnamra's analysis of the situation in Vietnam and supported USA's continuing deepening involvement.
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When Laos was under threat of communism what did Kennedy do?
He sent advisors to work with the non-communist goverment.
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Why was this policy so effective?
because it prevented communists seizing control and believe he could use the same method on Vietnam
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Card 2


What happened in the Cuba Missile?


Kennedy supported a CIA iniative to overthrow the communist government. CIA backed invasion of the Bay of Pigs

Card 3


When did the Bay Of Pigs take place?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


For Kennedy was it a failure or a success?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


So why did Cuba Missile motivate Kennedy to add more involvement?


Preview of the front of card 5
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