Cold War Flashcards

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 28-05-13 17:08
Bolshevik Revolution
1 of 94
'Big Three' meet at Tehran
2 of 94
Feb. 1945
Yalta Conference
3 of 94
Jul. 1945
First test firing of the atomic bomb
4 of 94
Jul-Aug 1945
Potsdam Conference
5 of 94
Aug. 1945
USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
6 of 94
Nov. 1945
Communists win rigged elections in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria
7 of 94
Failure of the Baruch Plan; Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech
8 of 94
Mar. 1947
Launch of the Truman Doctrine
9 of 94
Jun. 1947
Marshall Plan established
10 of 94
Jul. 1947
USSR forces Poland and Czechoslovakia to turn down Marshall Aid
11 of 94
Aug. 1947
Communists win rigged elections in Hungary
12 of 94
Sep. 1947
Cominform established
13 of 94
Feb. 1948
Communist 'coup d'etat' in Czechoslovakia
14 of 94
Jun. 1948
Berlin Blockade begins
15 of 94
Apr. 1949
NATO established
16 of 94
May 1949
Berlin Blockade lifted
17 of 94
Aug. 1949
USSR tests atomic bomb
18 of 94
Sep. 1949
Communists take over China
19 of 94
Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance signed; Sino-Soviet Alliance signed
20 of 94
Jun. 1950
Korean War starts
21 of 94
USA tests the hydrogen bomb
22 of 94
Mar. 1953
Stalin dies
23 of 94
Jul. 1953
Ceasefire agreed in Korea
24 of 94
Aug. 1953
USSR explodes its lithium bomb
25 of 94
Sep. 1953
Khrushchev becomes First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party
26 of 94
Mar. 1954
USA explodes its lithium bomb
27 of 94
Jul. 1954
Geneva Agreement on Indochina
28 of 94
Sep. 1954
Taiwan Straits crisis develops
29 of 94
Oct. 1954
Khrushchev's first visit to Beijing; Khrushchev refused to lessen Soviet ties in Mongolia or allow China to expand its control in North Korea
30 of 94
USA develops first intercontinental bombers
31 of 94
May 1955
Warsaw Pact established; USSR signs agreement recognising Austrian independence
32 of 94
Jul. 1955
Geneva Summit (Khrushchev and Eisenhower)
33 of 94
USSR develops TU20 Bear; Khrushchev denounces Stalin at the 20th Party Congress; Mao criticises Khrushchev as a revisionist
34 of 94
Nov. 1956
Soviet troops invade Hungary
35 of 94
USSR develops the first ICBM
36 of 94
Oct. 1957
Sputnik is launched
37 of 94
Nov. 1957
Sputnik II is launched; Gaither Report warns Eisenhower of the missile gap
38 of 94
Khrushchev criticises Mao's Great Leap Forward
39 of 94
Aug. 1958
Crisis develops in Taiwan Straits
40 of 94
Nov. 1958
Start of the second Berlin crisis when Khrushchev asks the West to leave Berlin
41 of 94
Castro leads the revolution in Cuba
42 of 94
Jun. 1959
USSR cancels Sino-Soviet agreement on atomic cooperation
43 of 94
Sep. 1959
Khrushchev visits the USA; Mao condemns the Soviet rapprochement with the USA
44 of 94
USSR pulls out all economic aid and advisers from China
45 of 94
May 1960
U-2 spy plane shot down over the USSR; Paris Summit (Eisenhower and Khrushchev) abandoned
46 of 94
Jul. 1960
USA launches the first SLBM
47 of 94
China gives economic support to Albania after it splits with the USSR; China encourages Romania to become more independent
48 of 94
Jan. 1961
Kennedy becomes US President
49 of 94
Apr. 1961
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space; Bay of Pigs invasion
50 of 94
Jun. 1961
Vienna Summit (Kennedy and Khrushchev)
51 of 94
Aug. 1961
Berlin Wall erected
52 of 94
Cuban Missile Crisis
53 of 94
USSR and China relations deteriorate after a failed meeting
54 of 94
Jun. 1963
'Hot line' telephone link is established; Test Ban Treaty is signed
55 of 94
Khrushchev and Mao resort to bitter personal attacks
56 of 94
Aug. 1964
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution leads to increased US involvement in Vietnam
57 of 94
Oct. 1964
Khrushchev dismissed as Soviet leader; China explodes its first nuclear bomb
58 of 94
USSR develops a policy of trying to isolate China in international affairs by strengthening its ties in Mongolia, North Korea and North Vietnam
59 of 94
Mao's attacks on the Soviet Union's leadership increases during the Cultural Revolution
60 of 94
Aug. 1968
Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
61 of 94
Jan. 1969
Nixon becomes US President; Henry Kissinger is appointed National Security Adviser; Willy Brandt becomes Chancellor of West Germany
62 of 94
Mar. 1969
Ussuri River dispute
63 of 94
Sino-Soviet relations improve slightly with the visit of Kosygin to China
64 of 94
Kissinger visits China, giving Nixon the opportunity to visit; Chinese relations with the USSR deteriorate
65 of 94
May 1972
Salt I
66 of 94
Dec. 1972
West and East Germany sign the Basic Treaty, accepting the existence of each other as separate states
67 of 94
Jan. 1973
USA signs Paris Peace Settlement and agrees to withdraw troops from Vietnam
68 of 94
Jul. 1973
Talks begin between NATO and Warsaw Pact countries, leading to the Helsinki Accords
69 of 94
Helsinki Accords
70 of 94
Jimmy Carter becomes US President
71 of 94
Carter appoints Brzezinski as his National Security Adviser
72 of 94
Thatcher becomes British Prime Minister; Vienna Summit (Carter and Brezhnev) leads to the signing of Salt II
73 of 94
Dec. 1979
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
74 of 94
Jan. 1980
USA suspends ratification of Salt II in protest of the Afghanistan invasion
75 of 94
Nov. 1980
Reagan is elected US President
76 of 94
Dec. 1980
Martial law introduced in Poland as a response to Solidarity
77 of 94
Jan. 1981
Strikes in Poland organised by Solidarity
78 of 94
Brezhnev dies and Andropov becomes new Soviet leader
79 of 94
South Korean airline shot down by Soviet air force; US troops invade Grenada to depose left-wing government
80 of 94
Mar. 1983
Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)) announced
81 of 94
Andropov dies and Chernenko becomes new Soviet leader
82 of 94
Chernenko dies and Gorbachev becomes new Soviet leader; Geneva Summit (Reagan and Gorbachev)
83 of 94
Reykjavik Summit (Gorbachev and Reagan)
84 of 94
Washington Summit (Reagan and Gorbachev); INF agreement signed
85 of 94
Moscow Summit (Gorbachev and Reagan)
86 of 94
Dec. 1988
Gorbachev announces major reductions in Soviet forces in Europe
87 of 94
Collapse of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe
88 of 94
Sep. 1989
First free elections in Poland, Solidarity wins and forms government; Hungary opens its borders with Austria
89 of 94
Nov. 1989
Fall of the Berlin Wall; collapse of communist regimes in Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria
90 of 94
Dec. 1989
Malta Summit (Bush and Gorbachev); collapse of the communist regime in Romania
91 of 94
Oct. 1990
Reunification of Germany
92 of 94
Aug-Dec 1991
Baltic States and Ukraine vote for independence from the USSR
93 of 94
25th December 1991
USSR formally dissolved
94 of 94

Other cards in this set

Card 2


'Big Three' meet at Tehran



Card 3


Yalta Conference


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


First test firing of the atomic bomb


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Potsdam Conference


Preview of the back of card 5
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