Judaism 10.0

Importance of the Synagogue
It is the centre of Jewish prayer, study and gathering; it may perhaps hold Hebrew lessons or classes to study sacred texts, as Jews look inat to history as getting closer to God
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Orthodox vs Reform
All find it important to attend the Synagogue regularly. Orthodox was formed in the 18th century and believe in different roles per gender, and obeying laws exaclty. Reform Jews allow choice of worship, and moral/spiritual code
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Daily Services and prayer
Tallit and Tefellin must be worn for service, and daily prayers are from the Siddur
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Explain the Amiidah
eighteen standing prayers, 3x praise, 6x community, 6x personal, 1x acceptanceof their prayers, 3x opportunity to serve him
4 of 5
Bar/ Bat Mitzvah
Coming of age (B13, G12); now responsible for their worship implied in Mishnah Berurah 225:6. Read from Torah, speech, Father
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Orthodox vs Reform


All find it important to attend the Synagogue regularly. Orthodox was formed in the 18th century and believe in different roles per gender, and obeying laws exaclty. Reform Jews allow choice of worship, and moral/spiritual code

Card 3


Daily Services and prayer


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the Amiidah


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Bar/ Bat Mitzvah


Preview of the front of card 5


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