James I's Foreign Policy

Treaty of London - 1604
England and Spain at war when James came to throne, but both were fed up, so James was keen to end it. Elizabeth supported Dutch rebels fighting independence from Spain but James didn't as went against divine right. James made separate peace treaty.
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Marriage of Elizabeth
Married Frederick, Elector Palatine, leading German Protestant prince in 1612. Still maintained strong relationship with Spanish so was considering marrying Charles to daughter of Spanish king.
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Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh - 1618
Raleigh in Tower for many years for alleged plot against James - Main Plot. Released to find 'city of gold' in S America but failed and clashed with Spanish. James wanted to maintain good relationship with Spain so executed Raleigh. Disgusted public.
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Peace with Spain - 1604
After Treaty of London, Dutch rebels continued fighting Spanish. Allowed James to trade with low countries so markets would expand and trade would boom. James satisfied but faced opposition from Spanish-hating English public.
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Spanish Match Part 1: 1617 - 1621
Ambassador Sarimento came to power in 1617, encouraging James to marry Charles to Spanish infanta. Hoped infanta would bring £600,000 dowry. Spain wanted future children to be Catholic but parliament unhappy with this.
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Spanish Match Part 2: 1622 - 1623
Charles and Buckingham traveled incognito in 1622. Infanta unwilling to marry as James was unwilling to be tolerant of Catholicism in England. Returned humiliated, determined for war and popular(!). Public rejoiced at failure.
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Relations with Henry IV of France
Protestant turned Catholic but had Protestant sympathies. Supported Dutch in Spanish war. Still saw Spain as a threat after Spanish-Dutch treaty. James declined when Henry asked for help with Spain, and James didn't care when Henry was assassinated.
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Problem of the Palatinate - 1620
Frederick lost new kingdom of Bohemia and old kingdom of Palatinate by 1620 (invaded by Spain). James thought he had no right to Bohemia but had to support him; helped him regain Palatinate.
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Arbitor and Mediator
Acted as peacemaker in Europe; settled Julich-Cleves complex land dispute. Gave favourable reaction from court/public. Alarmed over French aims to marry their prince to Spanish infanta; would cause a Roman Catholic power bloc.
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Card 2


Marriage of Elizabeth


Married Frederick, Elector Palatine, leading German Protestant prince in 1612. Still maintained strong relationship with Spanish so was considering marrying Charles to daughter of Spanish king.

Card 3


Execution of Sir Walter Raleigh - 1618


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Peace with Spain - 1604


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Spanish Match Part 1: 1617 - 1621


Preview of the front of card 5
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