Is there a god? 4: Yes, because of the structure of the world


1. Deductive reasoning:

  • determining what must be true, given certain assumptions
  • determining what is likely to be true, given certain assumptions
  • determining what best explains something assumed to be true
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2. Inductive reasoning:

  • determining what is likely to be true, given certain assumptions
  • determining what best explains something assumed to be true
  • determining what must be true, given certain assumptions

3. What does it mean that the world is fine-tuned for life?

  • The universe must have been created specifically to cater to life because of how perfect it is
  • If the universe was ever so slightly different, in any of a great many ways, then there would still possibly be life
  • If the universe was ever so slightly different, in any of a great many ways, then there would be no life
  • The structure of the universe is such that it must have been designed by an agent

4. The fine-tuning argument requires...

  • Inductive reasoning
  • Abductive reasoning
  • Deductive reasoning

5. What causes Anselm's trouble?

  • Claiming that existing in the real world is greater than existing in the mind
  • Claiming that god is the greatest thing that can be conceived
  • Claiming that god is greater than can be conceived
  • Claiming that god doesn't exist in the mind


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