Invasion of USSR affecting Nazi policy towards Jews 1941

Who were Einsatzgruppen?
a mobile killing squad composed of ** under the command of SD
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When were Einsatzgruppen formed?
May 1941
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Who and what were they designed to eliminate and identify and when?
German enemies such as jews and communists as they entered countries such as Romania and Ukraine
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When did Goering issue Einstazgruppen to kill communist sympathisers and Jews?
July 1941
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Who were their victims?
Jews, Roma, officials of the soviet party, residents of institutions for the mentally ill and disabled, partizans
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How many did they kill overall?
1.3-2 million
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Who did they follow as they advanced into soviet territory?
The German Army
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How did the German Army support Einsatzgruppen?
through supplies, transportation, housing, occasionally manpower to guard or transport prisoners
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Who else were they helped by and how?
Local informers and interpreters so jews could be identified and marched or transported to the execution site
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Explain the process of the killings
Marched or transported to the execution site, told to undress, dug mass graves or pre prepared, shot lying in the graves or standing before it
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In late Summer 1941 what did Himmler note?
The psychological burden the mass shooting had on the men
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As a result what did they create and what did it do?
created a gas van which employed carbon dioxide from the exhaust to kill its victims
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When did the gas truck make its appearance?
Fall 1941
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Give 3 reasons of why the plan wasn't clear or constant
It emulated as a result of the war, identification of victims was disorderly, mobile gas vans was only in response it the slow and brutal nature impacting mental welfare of Einstazgruppen
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Give 3 reasons of why the plan was
Hitler may of not done it in Germany to protect public image, removed political enemies, exploited existing racial divisions so many Ukrainians joined in on the programme
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When were Einsatzgruppen formed?


May 1941

Card 3


Who and what were they designed to eliminate and identify and when?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did Goering issue Einstazgruppen to kill communist sympathisers and Jews?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who were their victims?


Preview of the front of card 5
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