Introduction to & General Anatomy of the Respiratory System - BM5 RCR1


1. Which of the following correctly states the structures that make up the lower respiratory system?

  • Trachea, bronchi & alveoli
  • Pharynx, larynx & trachea
  • Pharynx, bronchi & alveoli
  • Trachea, sinuses & alveoli
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. How many tertiary bronchi/bronchopulmonary segments are there on the left lung?

  • 10
  • 5-7
  • 8-10
  • 5

3. Which of the following results in type II respiratory failure?

  • high PaO2 & high PaO2
  • low PaO2 & normal/low PaO2
  • low PaO2 & high PaO2
  • high PaO2 & normal/low PaO2

4. What is the main function of having blood vessels in the nasal cavity?

  • Pressure regulation
  • Gas exchange
  • Thermoregulation
  • Blood exchange

5. True or false: the right lung is slightly larger than the left lung?

  • Pass
  • False
  • True
  • Only when it's raining


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