Inequalities in health

  • Created by: Lydia.D
  • Created on: 14-01-15 08:29
What year was it made a act?
1 of 10
What did the black report show?
It showed that although improvements have been made, they had not be made in all social classes.
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What were 3 of the problems linked with social and economic factors?
Unemployment, income, poor housing, poor environment and education.
3 of 10
Why did the government disagree?
They believe it wasn't down to them, they believe it was down to the in dividual, also they believe that it was due to behaviour and that they made themselves ill,
4 of 10
Who enforced the health divide remit?
Margaret Whitehead
5 of 10
In 1987 what did the report find?
the gap between health standards and social class had widened since the publication of the Black Report.
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What was the governments reaction?
They scrapped the HEC, and they began to campaign against alcohol, tobacco and diet issues
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Why was the report not published?
Due the controversial nature of the report’s findings.
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Why did Margaret Whitehead update The Black Report?
To see been done from the previous report and to suggest possibilities for the what had future.
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How did Whitehead show the information to the public?
Through facts, figures and information, which was presented so that it could be easily understood.
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Card 2


What did the black report show?


It showed that although improvements have been made, they had not be made in all social classes.

Card 3


What were 3 of the problems linked with social and economic factors?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the government disagree?


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Card 5


Who enforced the health divide remit?


Preview of the front of card 5
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