
from 1786 what did the EIC act as
a regularised subsidiary of the crown
1 of 58
what did the 1813 charter do
renewed the companys charter for another 20 years, but removed its monopoly on indian trade
2 of 58
when did the company lose their monopoly over china
3 of 58
what were the three company presidencies
bengal, madras and bombay
4 of 58
when was the regulating act
5 of 58
what did the 1784 act do
made EIC subordinate to the crown
6 of 58
what did the 1786 act enable the govenor general to do
override his council
7 of 58
under what act were missionaries allowed to preach and teach english within company territories
1813 charter act
8 of 58
who served as the first govenor 1774
warren hastings
9 of 58
in which presidency was power concentrared
10 of 58
when was the government of india act
11 of 58
under this act what did the govenor general of fort william become
the concurrent govenor general of india
12 of 58
who was the first govenor of inda
13 of 58
how many troops were there in the three private armies by 1820
14 of 58
how many out of the 277,746 soldiers in india by 1857 were european
15 of 58
when did the company successfully annex assam, manipur and cacher
16 of 58
when was the first afgan war
17 of 58
how much did the war cost
20,000 indian lives and more than £15 million
18 of 58
when was sind formally annexed
19 of 58
how large was the bengal army compared to the other two presidency armies
twice the size
20 of 58
what percent of white men left wills to native spouses and children in 1780
21 of 58
what was thagi
highway robberry and ritual murder
22 of 58
who led the campaign on thagi
23 of 58
when was the capture of feringhea
24 of 58
how many thagi were hanged and tried
1000 hanged and 3000 tried
25 of 58
when was the abolition of sati act
26 of 58
who was the hindu religious philosopher who campaigned against sati
ram mohan roy
27 of 58
when was sati outlawed in its totality in india
28 of 58
what act removed the blanket ban on missionaries
chater act 1813
29 of 58
when did duff, missionary from church of scotland arrive in bengal
30 of 58
what did he believe bible studies in english would do
naturally convince students christianity was superior to hinduism
31 of 58
why did evangelicals favour higher education for indians
hoped new educated class would rise up and weaken brahmin caste
32 of 58
when was the education act
33 of 58
what did bentinck decide to make the governments language
english not persian
34 of 58
when did dalhousie serve as governor general
35 of 58
what conditions were there for british interference
death of native ruler without legitmate heir under doctrine of lapse, misgovernment of state and redefinition of rulers title and powers
36 of 58
when was awadh annexed
37 of 58
why was shah deposed
38 of 58
when was the general service and enlistment act
39 of 58
when did 85 sepoys refuse to load new rifles and where
9th may 1857 in meerut
40 of 58
when was shah II restored
11th may
41 of 58
when did wheeler surrendor at cawnpore
27th june
42 of 58
how many men were killed at cawnpore
43 of 58
how many remaining british were massacred on the 15th july
44 of 58
who was the governor at lucknow
45 of 58
when did the first relief reach lucknow
25th september
46 of 58
who was the second relief led by
47 of 58
when was lucknow retaken
march 1858
48 of 58
how many of the soldiers killed in the retaking of delhi were native sepoys
49 of 58
when was the government of india act 1858 passed
2nd august 1858
50 of 58
what did it do
end company rule, and bring it under british control
51 of 58
what was the cost of the rebellion
52 of 58
what did the london missionary school resolve to do in 1858
send additional 20 missionaries in the next two years, with £11,000 for passage and maintenance
53 of 58
by how much was the proportion of indian sepoys reduced
54 of 58
by how much were british troops increased
55 of 58
what did the ratio become
56 of 58
when were breech-loading rifles introduced
57 of 58
how many miles of railway did india have by 1861
58 of 58

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what did the 1813 charter do


renewed the companys charter for another 20 years, but removed its monopoly on indian trade

Card 3


when did the company lose their monopoly over china


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what were the three company presidencies


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


when was the regulating act


Preview of the front of card 5
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