Impacts of Digital Communication - Cultural Homogenisation

The reasons for homogenisation are 1) Computer software not localised eg MicroSoft reflects western thought 2) Western advertising broadcast on a global scale, ideas seen as desirable 3) Anti-social behaviour online reflects western views on morality
Fairweather and Rogerson
1 of 5
Evaluation// Ideas of cultural homogenisation ignore the complex interactions between cultures - The image of western culture and domination is exaggerated
2 of 5
Evaluation// Western culture does not dominate less powerful groups, rather the reverse (eg reverse colonialisation, Mexicanisation of California - Mexican style, food and music has become a key part of Californian lifestyle)
3 of 5
Evaluation// Global digital media companies have been forced to take into account local practices (eg McDonald's ebi/korokke burgers in Singapore)
Crouteau and Hoynes
4 of 5
This brand has a "one size fits all" approach - There are 475 retail stores in 17 countries and all of them sell the exact same products
5 of 5

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Card 2


Evaluation// Ideas of cultural homogenisation ignore the complex interactions between cultures - The image of western culture and domination is exaggerated



Card 3


Evaluation// Western culture does not dominate less powerful groups, rather the reverse (eg reverse colonialisation, Mexicanisation of California - Mexican style, food and music has become a key part of Californian lifestyle)


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Card 4


Evaluation// Global digital media companies have been forced to take into account local practices (eg McDonald's ebi/korokke burgers in Singapore)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


This brand has a "one size fits all" approach - There are 475 retail stores in 17 countries and all of them sell the exact same products


Preview of the front of card 5


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