Impact of the War on the German People

  • Created by: Daniella
  • Created on: 21-05-13 17:51
What were the 6 Key events of WW2?
Invasion of Poland, Victories in Norway & Denmark, First Berlin Bombing, Start of the Blitz & U-Boat campaign, Invasion of the USSR/Red Army Retreat, Defeat at Stalingrad
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What was the impact of the war on Women in the years 1939-43?
Increased Women in Labour, NS-F Supply Aid for Women, Hitler refuses to shift ideology 1940
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What did the NS-F for the Women during the war?
Gave classes on how to cope, Held community evenings to sustain morale, Encouraged women to help with the harvest
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What percentage of women were working in 1936-7?
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What was the impact of the war on Workers in the years 1939-43?
Increased subscription and need for labour strains workforces, Wage reductions, Bans on Bonuses
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In 1940 what happened that increased the workforce numbers?
Prisoners of war were forced to undertake war work
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When were the wage levels and bonuses restored? Why?
Oct 1939 because they caused discontent among a vital group of contributors to the war effort
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What was rationed?
foodstuffs such as sugar, dairy, fats etc.
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What rations were introduced after panic buying?
Clothing rations
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What were rations based on?
Age, Race, Occupation
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What was the impact of the war on the Youth from 1939-1943?
HY Activities have military focus, Evacuation began 1940, All expected to collect Winter Aid money
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What was the Winter Aid Programme?
Charity presented as a Racial self-help aid, gave relief to the unemployed
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When was the invasion of the USSR?
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When were the Germans defeated at Stalingrad?
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Why was Stalingrad a major turning point in morale?
War weariness, Hitler Myth loses potency, Criticism of propaganda
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What happened to the Workers after Stalingrad?
Men 16-65 & Women 17-45 had to register for work by Decree, Small businesses closed & workers transfered
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What was there after the invasion of the USSR? Why?
Increase in foreign labour because Hitler agreed that the Russian War Prisoners could be used for slave labour
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How many foreign workers were there by 1941?
4 million
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What did Goering's June 1941 Decree mean for women?
That any woman that had no children and did not work but had done previously had to work otherwise they would lose their family allowance
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Why didn't Goering's decree of 1941 work to bring more women to work?
Because a vast majority of the women left were middle class and hadn't worked previously
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When was Goebbels' Total War Speech?
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What happened to the bombings in 1943?
1943 Bombings reached a great intensity - 43 Cities bombed between March & July
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Where were the bombs focussed?
Main industrial and port cities
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What was the impact of the bombings on morale?
People were scared, war weary and in chaos
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What was the aim of the bombings?
To destroy the people's support for the regime and war
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When was evacuation stepped up?
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What occured as a result of increased evacuation?
Class tensions and friction between working and middle class women
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Why were working class women discontent?
They were discontent at having to take in middle class women's children
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Why were middle class women discontent?
They thought that working class women were given special treatment
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What happened to those who were war-weary and defeated?
There was an increasingly repressive line taken with those who expressed defeatist attitudesThere was an increasingly repressive line taken with those who expressed defeatist attitudes - They were killed if showed resistance
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What was the NSV?
The NSV was an organisation to help survivors of raids
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What was the situation with housing by the middle of the war?
Very short of housing
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How many homes were destroyed in raids?
2 million
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What did Goebbels tell the German people to keep the morale up?
That they had 'secret weapons'
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What happened for the workers in August 1944?
There was a total ban on holidays, overtime payments abolished, 60 hour working week
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By 1945 what percentage of the labour force were women?
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What happened in 1944 for women?
Women's auxilary corps were established
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What jobs did the women take on in the army?
Gun Servicing and Searchlight control
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How many women worked on searchlights by 1944?
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How many women worked in anti-aircraft platoons by 1944?
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How many women were members of the auxilary corps by 1945?
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What did women do in the final stages of the war?
Went to battle
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When did Bishop von Galen speak out? What against?
1940 against Euthenasia
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How many Handicapped people were murdered during Euthenasia?
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When did the war end?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the impact of the war on Women in the years 1939-43?


Increased Women in Labour, NS-F Supply Aid for Women, Hitler refuses to shift ideology 1940

Card 3


What did the NS-F for the Women during the war?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What percentage of women were working in 1936-7?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the impact of the war on Workers in the years 1939-43?


Preview of the front of card 5
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