Immigration to the UK Facts and Figures

Helpful for remembering facts and figures on the subject of Immigration to the UK

  • Created by: Rachael
  • Created on: 29-02-12 18:49

1. When did Britain pass a law stating that all citizens of the empire where free to immigrate to the UK?

  • 1934
  • 1949
  • 1927
  • 1978
  • 1956
1 of 7

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2. non-white immigrants had which experience when arriving to Britain?

  • plenty of work opportunities
  • a warm welcome
  • prejudice
  • free homes

3. Immigrants from the Carribean faced which issue at home?

  • poor education
  • unemployment
  • all three
  • poor housing

4. Many local businesses refused to serve non-white immigrants.

  • True
  • False

5. When the USA cut back on the number of Immigrants it accepted from the West Indies, the numbers changed from...

  • 65,000 down to 60,000 immigrants per year.
  • 65,000 down to 30,000 immigrants per year.
  • 65,000 down to 2000 immigrants per year.
  • 65,000 down to 800 immigrants per year.


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