
What is crude oil made of?
Its made of dead plankton and layers of sand and mud layered on top over thousands of years. The pressure turns the dead plankton into oil and gas.
1 of 13
What is a hydrocarbon?
Hydrogen and carbon only!
2 of 13
What are alkanes?
Saturated hydrocarbons.
3 of 13
Why are they saturated hydrocarbons?
There are 4 single bonds for every carbon atom.
4 of 13
What is the general formula for alkanes?
5 of 13
What is done to the oil to make it useful?
It is fractioned in a fractioning column.
6 of 13
What properties do short chain hydrocarbons have?
They have a low boiling point, higher volatility, low viscosity, higher flammability.
7 of 13
Whats an example of a short chain hydrocarbon and a use for it?
Petrol (20-70 degrees) Used for a fuel for cars.
8 of 13
What properties do long chain hydrocarbons have?
Higher boiling point, lower volatility, high viscosity, lower flammability.
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Whats an example of a long chain hydrocarbon and a use for it?
Bitumen (>350 degrees) Used for laying roads and lubricant in machines.
10 of 13
What is complete combustion?
It occurs when fuel burns completely in oxygen.
11 of 13
What is incomplete combustion?
It occurs when fuel burns in limited oxygen.
12 of 13
Which is more efficient?
Complete combustion is and it could boil water quicker and at a higher temperature.
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a hydrocarbon?


Hydrogen and carbon only!

Card 3


What are alkanes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are they saturated hydrocarbons?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the general formula for alkanes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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