Human Lifespan Development - LAA Physical Development Across The Life Stages

What are the 6 Life Stages and what are the ages associated with them?
Infancy - 0-2years
Early Childhood - 3-8years
Adolescence - 9-18years
Early Adulthood - 19-45years
Middle Adulthood - 46-65years
Later Adulthood - 65 +years
1 of 10
Define Growth
Growth is an increase in a measurable quantity such as height or weight or other dimensions.
2 of 10
Define Development
Development is about the complex changes in skills and capabilities that an individual experiences as they grow
3 of 10
Define Milestone
The skills/abilities that infants, children and adolescents are expected to develop by particular ages or stages of their life.
4 of 10
Define Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are movements that involve using the large muscles of the body.
For example, Rolling over
5 of 10
Define Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills involve smaller movements that require more precise direction (dexterity) and use smaller muscles.
For example, picking up a pencil.
6 of 10
Define Primary sexual characteristics
Primary sexual characteristics relate to the changes and development of reproductive organs.

For Example
Female: Uterus enlarges and the vagina lengthens
Male: Enlargement of penis and testes
7 of 10
Define Secondary sexual characteristics
Secondary sexual characteristics are outward signs of development from a child into a man or woman.

For example
Female: Breasts develop and the areola swells and darkens.
Male: Changes in larynx causing voice to deepen.
8 of 10
Define Puberty
Puberty is a period of rapid growth during which young people reach sexual maturity, and become biologically able to reproduce and secondary sexual characteristics develop.
9 of 10
Define Menopause
Menopause is the ending of female fertility, including the cessation of menstruation and reduction in the production of female sex hormones.
(Ovaries stop releasing eggs)
10 of 10

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Card 2


Define Growth


Growth is an increase in a measurable quantity such as height or weight or other dimensions.

Card 3


Define Development


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define Milestone


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define Gross Motor Skills


Preview of the front of card 5
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